Publications (82499)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Cancer Medicine, 14 (1), e70555,; OA
Wirta, Erkki‐Ville; Elomaa, Hanna; Mecklin, Jukka‐Pekka; Seppälä, Toni T.; Hyöty, Marja; Böhm, Jan; Ahtiainen, Maarit; Väyrynen, Juha P.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
ESG investment performance and global attention to sustainability (2025)
North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 75, 102287,; OA
Vu Thanh, Nam; Lehkonen, Heikki; Junttila, Juha-Pekka; Lucey, Brian
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Alpha spectroscopy of purified beams of exotic nuclei at the FRS Ion Catcher (2025)
Nuclear Physics A, 1053, 122967,; OA
Tortorelli, Nazarena; Reiter, Moritz Pascal; Rink, Ann Kathrin; Purushothaman, Sivaji; Ayet, San Andrés Samuel; Bergmann, Julian; Dickel, Timo; Diwisch, Marcel; Ebert, Jens; Geissel, Hans; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Rapidity dependence of antideuteron coalescence in pp collisions at √ s=13 TeV with ALICE (2025)
Physics Letters B, 860, 139191,; OA
ALICE Collaboration
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Circumpolar and Regional Seascape Drivers of Genomic Variation in a Southern Ocean Octopus (2025)
Molecular Ecology, 34 (2), e17601,
Lau, Sally C. Y.; Wilson, Nerida G.; Watts, Phillip C.; Silva, Catarina N. S.; Cooke, Ira R.; Allcock, A. Louise; Mark, Felix C.; Linse, Katrin; Jernfors, Toni; Strugnell, Jan M.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 50, 100880,; OA
Lehtinen, Auli; Kostiainen, Emma; Näykki, Piia
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Eight types of video game experience (2025)
Entertainment Computing, 52, 100882,; OA
Vahlo, Jukka; Tuuri, Kai
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
JYU Dissertations, 879, ; OA
Lampinen, Aku
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
JYU Dissertations, 878, ; OA
Julin, Paula
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Esports Culture in Asia (2025)
Routledge Handbook of Esports, 591-604,
Jin, Yaewon; Kim, Se Jin