Publications (82549)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
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A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Mind and Obligation in the Long Middle Ages : Studies in the History of Philosophy in Honour of Mikko Yrjönsuuri, Investigating Medieval Philosophy, 23, 262-284, ; OA
Reuter, Martina
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Service Robot Morality in Customer-Robot Interactions : A Mixed-Methods Study (2025)
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 14 (2), 26 ,; OA
Kegel, Mona Mareen; Stock-Homburg, Ruth Maria; Tuunanen, Tuure
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Architecture decisions in quantum software systems : An empirical study on stack exchange and GitHub (2025)
Information and Software Technology, 177, 107587,; OA
Aktar, Mst Shamima; Liang, Peng; Waseem, Muhammad; Tahir, Amjed; Ahmad, Aakash; Zhang, Beiqi; Li, Zengyang
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Progress in Energy, 7 (2), 022003,
Ahmed, Humna; Simoes dos Reis, Glaydson; Molaiyan, Palanivel; Lähde, Anna; Lassi, Ulla
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Wind Is a Primary Driver of Fungal Dispersal Across a Mainland‐Island System (2025)
Molecular Ecology, Early online, e17675,
Naranjo‐Orrico, D.; Ovaskainen, O.; Furneaux, B.; Purhonen, J.; Arancibia P. , A.; Burg, S.; Moser, N.; Niku, J.; Tikhonov, G.; Zakharov, E.; et al.
A4 Article in conference proceedings
Probing gluon saturation and nuclear structure in photon-nucleus collisions (2025)
DIS 2024 : 31st International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, POS Proceedings of Science, 469, 110 ,; OA
Mäntysaari, Heikki; Salazar, Farid; Schenke, Björn; Shen, Chun; Zhao, Wenbin
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Effective statistics of pairs of fractional powers of complex grid points (2025)
Combinatorics and Number Theory, 14, 13-47,; OA
Sayous, Rafael
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Hölder continuity and Harnack estimate for non-homogeneous parabolic equations (2025)
Mathematische Annalen, 391 (2), 2319-2335,; OA
Arya, Vedansh; Julin, Vesa
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1319, 139552,; OA
Fedko, A.M.; Slyvka, Yu.I.; Goreshnik, E.A.; Jȩdryka, J.; Rakus, P.; Morozov, D.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Chemical Engineering Journal, 504, 158654,; OA
Hegazy, Sherif; Ibrahim, Hanan H.; Weckman, Timo; Hu, Tao; Tuomikoski, Sari; Lassi, Ulla; Honkala, Karoliina; Srivastava, Varsha