Publications (82499)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Physical Review Letters, 134, 022502,; OA
Zimba, G. L.; Ruotsalainen, P.; Jenkins, D. G.; Satuła, W.; Uusitalo, J.; Wadsworth, R.; Pereira Lopez, X.; Auranen, K.; Briscoe, A. D.; Cederwall, B.; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, Early online,; OA
Adriansen, Hanne Kirstine; Madsen, Lene Møller; Saarinen, Taina; Waters, Johanna
A1 Journal article (refereed)
RSC Advances, 15, 1941-1956,; OA
Aly, Ashraf A.; Abd, El-Naby Hisham A.; Ahmed, Essam Kh.; Gedamy, Sageda A.; Rissanen, Kari; Nieger, Martin; Brown, Alan B.; Shehat, Michael G.; Shaaban, Marwa M.; Atta, Amal
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Pediatric Obesity, Early View,
Torres‐Lopez, Lucia V.; Plaza‐Florido, Abel; Gil‐Cosano, Jose J.; Migueles, Jairo H.; Ortega, Francisco B.; Cadenas‐Sanchez, Cristina
A1 Journal article (refereed)
PLoS ONE, 20 (1), e0314344,; OA
Järvinen, Kati; Laukkanen, Anne-Maria; Kähkönen, Anna-Leena; Nieminen, Pasi; Mäntylä, Terhi
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Global Change Biology, 31 (1), e70031,
Gomes, Sofia I. F.; Gundersen, Per; Bezemer, T. Martijn; Barsotti, Davide; D'Imperio, Ludovica; Georgopoulos, Konstantinos; Justesen, Mathias Just; Rheault, Karelle; Rosas, Yamina M.; Schmidt, Inger Kappel; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 69 (1), 138-150,; OA
Sorkkila, Matilda; Alasuutari, Maarit; Saranko, Lotta; Aunola, Kaisa
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Multiple Cell Upsets in the Configuration RAM of a 7-nm FinFET SoC under Heavy Ions (2025)
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Early online,
Mayo, Jorge; Durán, Cristina; Cueto-Rodríguez, Juan; Franco, Francisco J.; Kettunen, Heikki
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 17 (1), 258-283,; OA
Buitek, Elvira К.; Kaliyeva, Saule A.; Turginbayeva, Ardak N.; Meldakhanova, Marziya K.; Shaikh, Aijaz A.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Physical Review C, 111, 014309,; OA
Kauppinen, Elina; Suhonen, Jouni