Publications (82496)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
The Routledge International Handbook of Online Deviance, 458-470,; OA
Kotonen, Tommi; Kovalainen, Heikki
D4 Published development or research report or study
JYU Reports, 59,; OA
Talvitie-Lamberg, Karoliina; Salonen, Margareta; Ehrlén, Veera; Munnukka, Juha; Villi, Mikko; Uskali, Turo; Kinnunen, Waltteri; Koivula, Minna
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
Crossing boundaries : becoming critical, dialogical, and collaborative teachers (2025)
JYU Dissertations, 873, ; OA
Lehtinen, Auli
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Potent EGFR/PARP-1 inhibition by spirooxindole-triazole hybrids for targeted liver cancer therapy (2025)
RSC Advances, 15, 58-74,; OA
Nafie, Mohamed S.; Ali, M.; Alwehaibi, Moayad Abdullah; Alayyaf, Abdulmajeed Abdullah; Al-Muhanna, Muhanna K.; Almuqati, Naif S.; Alghamdi, Abdullah A.; Haukka, Matti; Tariq, Syeda Sumayya; Ul-Haq, Zaheer; et al.
D4 Published development or research report or study
; OA
Penttilä, Seppo; Rosenqvist, Olli
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Modeling dynamics on the dance floor with directional swarmalators (2025)
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 19, 1534371,; OA
Toiviainen, Petri; Bamford, Joshua S.; Thompson, Marc R.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Wind Is a Primary Driver of Fungal Dispersal Across a Mainland‐Island System (2025)
Molecular Ecology, Early online, e17675,
Naranjo‐Orrico, D.; Ovaskainen, O.; Furneaux, B.; Purhonen, J.; Arancibia P. , A.; Burg, S.; Moser, N.; Niku, J.; Tikhonov, G.; Zakharov, E.; et al.
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Networks, Poetics and Multilingual Society in the Early Modern Baltic Sea Region, Library of the Written Word, 133, 252-273,; OA
Kuha, Miia
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Sports medicine, Early online,; OA
Schumann, Moritz; Feuerbacher, Joshua F.; Heinrich, Lars; Olvera-Rojas, Marcos; Sclafani, Alessandro; Brønd, Jan Christian; Grøntved, Anders; Caulfield, Brian; Ekelund, Ulf; Bloch, Wilhelm; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences, 292 (2040), 20242416,; OA
Abrego, Nerea; Saine, Sonja; Penttilä, Reijo; Furneaux, Brendan; Hytönen, Tuija; Miettinen, Otto; Monkhouse, Norman; Mäkipää, Raisa; Pennanen, Jorma; Zakharov, Evgeny V.; et al.