Publications (82543)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Duals and pullbacks of normed modules (2025)
Israel Journal of Mathematics, Early online,; OA
Gigli, Nicola; Lučić, Danka; Pasqualetto, Enrico
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Clinical Nutrition, 45, 10-21,; OA
Ravi, Suvi; Kankaanpää, Anna; Bogl, Leonie H.; Heikkinen, Aino; Pietiläinen, Kirsi H.; Kaprio, Jaakko; Ollikainen, Miina; Sillanpää, Elina
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Constructing diffeomorphisms and homeomorphisms with prescribed derivative (2025)
Advances in Mathematics, 460, 110020,; OA
Goldstein, Paweł; Grochulska, Zofia; Hajłasz, Piotr
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Neuromechanical adaptations in the gastrocnemius muscle after Achilles tendon rupture during walking (2025)
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 80, 102962,; OA
Khair, Raad M.; Watt, Jadyn; Sukanen, Maria; Cronin, Neil J.; Finni, Taija
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
Herpesvirus-induced modification of nuclear organization (2025)
JYU Dissertations, 880, ; OA
Salminen, Sami
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Advanced Nursing, Early View,
Herttalampi, Mari; Bernhard‐Oettel, Claudia; Feldt, Taru
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Alcohol and Alcoholism, 60 (1), agae089,; OA
Hautamäki, Sari; Savolainen, Iina; Kauppila, Emmi; Sirola, Anu; Oksanen, Atte
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Electronic structure methods for simulating the applied potential in semiconductor electrochemistry (2025)
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 49, 101615,; OA
Moradi, Kayvan; Melander, Marko M.
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Progress in Energy, 7 (2), 022003,
Ahmed, Humna; Simoes dos Reis, Glaydson; Molaiyan, Palanivel; Lähde, Anna; Lassi, Ulla
E1 Popularised article, newspaper article
Ruovikot houkuttelevat monenlaisia otuksia (2025)
Keskisuomalainen, 25.1.2025, 25,
Kytöviita, Minna-Maarit