Publications (82527)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Memory, 33 (2), 259-277,; OA
Wu, Chenxiao; Zhang, Chenyuan; Li, Xueqiao; Ye, Chaoxiong; Astikainen, Piia
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Biological Invasions, 27, 10,; OA
Deng, Binglin; Riccardi, Nicoletta; Urbańska, Maria; Marjomäki, Timo J.; Andrzejewski, Wojciech; Taskinen, Jouni
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Early online,
Laihonen, Petteri; Deutschmann, Marcin; Molek-Kozakowska, Katarzyna
A1 Journal article (refereed)
New Phytologist, 245 (3), 934-938,
Lehtonen, Jussi
A4 Article in conference proceedings
Games and Learning Alliance : 13th International Conference, GALA 2024, Berlin, Germany, November 20–22, 2024, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 15348, 331-336,; OA
Karimov, Ayaz; Saarela, Mirka
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Group Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease : a Case Study Combining Music and Physiotherapy (2025)
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, Early online,; OA
Ruotsalainen, Jaana; Carlson, Emily; Erkkilä, Jaakko
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Serious Games Analytics in VR Environments: A Two-Stage Systematic Literature Review (2025)
Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 36 (1), 57-69,
Ismayilzada, Aytaj; Karimov, Ayaz; Saarela, Mirka
A1 Journal article (refereed)
How could Generative AI support and add value to non-technology companies : A qualitative study (2025)
Technovation, 139, 103124,
Modgil, Sachin; Gupta, Shivam; Kar, Arpan Kumar; Tuunanen, Tuure
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1324, 140908,
Altowyan, Mezna Saleh; Soliman, Saied M.; Abu-Youssef, Morsy A.M.; Haukka, Matti; Barakat, Assem; Yousri, Amal
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Royal Society Open Science, 12 (1), 241802,; OA
Mittell, Elizabeth A.; Leblanc, Camille A.; Kristjánsson, Bjarni K.; Ferguson, Moira M.; Räsänen, Katja; Morrissey, Michael B.