Publications (82513)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Chemical Engineering Journal, 504, 158654,; OA
Hegazy, Sherif; Ibrahim, Hanan H.; Weckman, Timo; Hu, Tao; Tuomikoski, Sari; Lassi, Ulla; Honkala, Karoliina; Srivastava, Varsha
E1 Popularised article, newspaper article
Trumpin aika on alkanut jälleen (2025)
Keskisuomalainen, 21.1.2025, 5,
Kokko, Jani
E1 Popularised article, newspaper article
Keskipohjanmaa, 4.1.2025, ; OA
Penttilä, Seppo
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Health Economics Review, 15, 4,; OA
Lavaste, Konsta
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Duals and pullbacks of normed modules (2025)
Israel Journal of Mathematics, Early online,; OA
Gigli, Nicola; Lučić, Danka; Pasqualetto, Enrico
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Learning and Individual Differences, 118, 102635,; OA
Saarinen, Milla; Järvinen, Julia; Kanko, Ruut; Tolvanen, Asko; Ryba, Tatiana V.; Aunola, Kaisa
D4 Published development or research report or study
JYU Reports, 58,; OA
Brommels, Mats; Fadjukoff, Päivi; Heinämäki, Liisa; Mecklin, Jukka-Pekka
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Pediatric Obesity, Early View,
Torres‐Lopez, Lucia V.; Plaza‐Florido, Abel; Gil‐Cosano, Jose J.; Migueles, Jairo H.; Ortega, Francisco B.; Cadenas‐Sanchez, Cristina
A1 Journal article (refereed)
The KFLQ revisited : estimating regional input–output tables for regions in South Korea (2025)
Annals of Regional Science, 74 (1), 13,; OA
Tohmo, Timo
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Self-confidence, mental toughness, and psychobiosocial experiences in elite rugby players (2025)
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 77, 102798,; OA
Robazza, Claudio; Vitali, Francesca; Bortoli, Laura; Ruiz, Montse C.