Publications (82491)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Perceptions of inclusion among lower secondary level students in Finland (2025)
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 69 (1), 164-178,; OA
Kyttälä, Minna; Sinkkonen, Hanna-Maija; Harju-Autti, Raisa
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Open-source code for analysis of the lifetime total physical activity questionnaire (LTPAQ) (2025)
Heliyon, 11 (2), e42154,; OA
Sánchez-Martín, Coral; Leal-Martín, Javier; Rantalainen, Timo; Rodríguez-Gómez, Irene; Alegre, Luis M.; Ara, Ignacio
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Redox‐Active Bisphosphonate‐Based Viologens as Negolytes for Aqueous Organic Flow Batteries (2025)
Chemistry : A European Journal, Early online, e202404122,
Gonzalez, Gabriel; Nechaev, Anton; Peshkov, Vsevolod A.; Martínez-González, Eduardo; Belyaev, Andrey; Hamza, Andrea; Shahsavan, Mahsa; Pihko, Petri M.; Peljo, Pekka
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Whiteness in Scholarship on Interculturality from the Global North/s (2025)
The Routledge Handbook of Critical Interculturality in Communication and Education, 459-474,; OA
Sommier, Mélodine
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Temperature Dependence of Heavy Ion Induced Leakage Current in SiC Power MOSFETs (2025)
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Early online,; OA
Niskanen, K.; Martinella, C.; Sengupta, A.; Harris, P. M.; Witulski, A. F.; Kettunen, H.; Javanainen, A.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 187, 109785,; OA
Prezja, Fabi; Annala, Leevi; Kiiskinen, Sampsa; Lahtinen, Suvi; Ojala, Timo; Nieminen, Paavo
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
The Routledge Handbook of Critical Interculturality in Communication and Education, 407-422,
Kokkonen, Lotta; Jager, Romee; Frame, Alexander; Raappana, Mitra
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
JYU Dissertations, 883, ; OA
Aulén, Anna-Mari
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Constructing diffeomorphisms and homeomorphisms with prescribed derivative (2025)
Advances in Mathematics, 460, 110020,; OA
Goldstein, Paweł; Grochulska, Zofia; Hajłasz, Piotr
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Multilingual Practices in Higher Education for Enhancing Critical Interculturality (2025)
The Routledge Handbook of Critical Interculturality in Communication and Education, 161-175,
Kokkonen, Lotta; Natri, Teija