Publications (82513)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Eight types of video game experience (2025)
Entertainment Computing, 52, 100882,; OA
Vahlo, Jukka; Tuuri, Kai
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
PLoS ONE, 20, e0317973,; OA
Sánchez-López, Mairena; Violero-Mellado, Jesús; Martínez-Vizcaíno, Vicente; Laukkanen, Arto; Sääkslahti, Arja; Visier-Alfonso, María Eugenia
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 39 (1), e7772,
Gad, Shaimaa I.; Altowyan, Mezna Saleh; Abu‐Youssef, Morsy A. M.; El‐Faham, Ayman; Barakat, Assem; Tatikonda, Rajendhraprasad; Haukka, Matti; Soliman, Saied M.; Yousri, Amal
A1 Journal article (refereed)
International Sport Coaching Journal, 12 (1), 33-41,; OA
Nikander, Jaakko A.O.; Ryba, Tatiana V.
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
Simulaatio-oppiminen fysioterapeuttikoulutuksessa : monimenetelmällinen tutkimus (2025)
JYU Dissertations, 872, ; OA
Haapakoski, Minna
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
The relationship of digital transformation and corporate sustainability : Synergies and tensions (2025)
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 210, 123809,; OA
Ologeanu-Taddei, Roxana; Honigsberg, Sarah; Weritz, Pauline; Wache, Hendrik; Mittermeier, Ferdinand; Tana, Silviana; Dang, Duong; Hautala-Kankaanpää, Tuire; Pekkola, Samuli
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
JYU Dissertations, 875, ; OA
Karjalainen, Suvi
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Introduction to Rescaling Sustainability Transitions (2025)
Rescaling Sustainability Transitions : Unfolding the Spatialities of Power Relations, Governance Arrangements, and Socio-Economic Systems, 1-13,; OA
Halonen, Maija; Albrecht, Moritz; Kuhmonen, Irene
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
JYU Dissertations, 877, ; OA
Silvola, Kari
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Separation and Purification Technology, 360, 130925,; OA
Tienaho, Jenni; Liimatainen, Jaana; Myllymäki, Laura; Kaipanen, Kalle; Tagliavento, Luca; Ruuttunen, Kyösti; Rudolfsson, Magnus; Karonen, Maarit; Marjomäki, Varpu; Hagerman, Ann E.; et al.