Publications (82304)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Evidence for shape transitions near 189W through direct mass measurements (2025)
Physical Review C, 111, 014322,
Mukai, M.; Hirayama, Y.; Schury, P.; Watanabe, Y. X.; Hashimoto, T.; Hinohara, N.; Jeong, S. C.; Miyatake, H.; Moon J., Y.; Niwase, T.; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Neuromechanical adaptations in the gastrocnemius muscle after Achilles tendon rupture during walking (2025)
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 80, 102962,; OA
Khair, Raad M.; Watt, Jadyn; Sukanen, Maria; Cronin, Neil J.; Finni, Taija
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Econometrics and Statistics, 33, 282-303,; OA
Archimbaud, Aurore; Boulfani, Feriel; Gendre, Xavier; Nordhausen, Klaus; Ruiz-Gazen, Anne; Virta, Joni
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Ahead of Print,
Eather, Narelle; McLachlan, Emily; Leahy, Angus; Sylvester, Benjamin; Lubans, David
E1 Popularised article, newspaper article
Talvi ihmisasumuksessa on rankkaa hämähäkille (2025)
Keskisuomalainen, 18.1.2025, 21,
Haimi, Jari
G4 Doctoral dissertation (monograph)
JYU Dissertations, 871, ; OA
Dziomba, Sanna
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Esport Spectatorship (2025)
Routledge Handbook of Esports, 414-425,
Välisalo, Tanja; Brock, Tom; Law, Ying-Ying
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Esports Culture in Asia (2025)
Routledge Handbook of Esports, 591-604,
Jin, Yaewon; Kim, Se Jin
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Esports Culture in Europe (2025)
Routledge Handbook of Esports, 605-617,
Koskimaa, Raine
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Esports (2025)
Routledge Handbook of Esports, 540-550,
Friman, Usva; Ruotsalainen, Maria; Ståhl, Matilda