Publications (82504)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
System, 130, 103612,; OA
Inha, Karoliina
A4 Article in conference proceedings
Towards NNPDFpol2.0 (2025)
DIS 2024 : 31st International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, POS Proceedings of Science, 469, 204,; OA
Hekhorn, Felix
E1 Popularised article, newspaper article
Tartu hetkeen on uudenvuoden lupaus, jonka onnistumisen voi kokea nopeasti (2025)
Keskisuomalainen, 5.1.2025, 7, ; OA
Heinosaari, Teiko
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Early Education and Development, 36 (2), 477-497,; OA
Muhonen, Heli; Sulkanen, Mimmu; Alasuutari, Maarit; Lerkkanen, Marja-Kristiina
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Alcohol and Alcoholism, 60 (1), agae089,; OA
Hautamäki, Sari; Savolainen, Iina; Kauppila, Emmi; Sirola, Anu; Oksanen, Atte
A1 Journal article (refereed)
RSC Advances, 15, 1941-1956,; OA
Aly, Ashraf A.; Abd, El-Naby Hisham A.; Ahmed, Essam Kh.; Gedamy, Sageda A.; Rissanen, Kari; Nieger, Martin; Brown, Alan B.; Shehat, Michael G.; Shaaban, Marwa M.; Atta, Amal
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Structural and Functional Properties of Lower Extremity Tendons in Men (2025)
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 39 (2), 184-191,; OA
Comstock, Brett A.; Flanagan, Shawn D.; Denegar, Craig R.; Newton, Robert U.; Häkkinen, Keijo; Volek, Jeff S.; Maresh, Carl M.; Kraemer, William J.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Family journal, Online First,; OA
Kytölä, Jenna; Kosonen, Riikka; Aunola, Kaisa; Muotka, Joona; Sorkkila, Matilda
A1 Journal article (refereed)
A family affair? Long-term economic and mental health effects of spousal cancer (2025)
Journal of Population Economics, 38, 19,; OA
Böckerman, Petri; Kortelainen, Mika; Salokangas, Henri; Vaalavuo, Maria
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Role of dissipation on the quasielastic barrier distributions : The case of 20Ne+92,94,95Mo systems (2025)
Il Nuovo Cimento C, 48 (2), 46,; OA
Colucci, G.; Trzcińska, A.; Piasecki, E.; Wolińska-Cichocka, M.: Barbon, A.: D'Agata, G.; De Filippo, E.; Czerski, Z.K.; Dubey, R.; Geraci, E.; Gnoffo, B.; Hadyńska-Klcek, K.; et al.