Publications (82573)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
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A1 Journal article (refereed)
Alcohol and Alcoholism, 60 (1), agae089,; OA
Hautamäki, Sari; Savolainen, Iina; Kauppila, Emmi; Sirola, Anu; Oksanen, Atte
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
PLoS ONE, 20, e0317973,; OA
Sánchez-López, Mairena; Violero-Mellado, Jesús; Martínez-Vizcaíno, Vicente; Laukkanen, Arto; Sääkslahti, Arja; Visier-Alfonso, María Eugenia
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Children’s outdoor time and multisport participation predict motor competence three years later (2025)
Journal of Sports Sciences, Early online,; OA
Luukkainen, Nanne-Mari; Laukkanen, Arto; Niemistö, Donna; Sääkslahti, Arja
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Journal of Sport and Health Science, 14, 100986,; OA
Singh, Ben; Cadenas-Sanchez, Cristina; da Costa, Bruno G.G.; Castro-Piñero, José; Chaput, Jean-Philippe; Cuenca-García, Magdalena; Maher, Carol; Marín-Jiménez, Nuria; McGrath, Ryan; Molina-Garcí, Pablo; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Differentiation in Dutch Secondary EFL Education : Used Strategies and Identified Challenges (2025)
TESOL Journal, 16 (1), e70009,; OA
Roiha, Anssi; Janse, Carina; Kreuh, Nives; Polso, Jerker
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Social Science and Medicine, 366, 117594,; OA
Ekholm, Malin; Aulbach, Matthias; Walsh, Sara; Phipps, Daniel; Rauta, Virpi; Knittle, Keegan
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Human Kinetics, 95, 187-198,; OA
Savolainen, Eero Heikki Johannes; Ihalainen, Johanna Kaarina; Walker, Simon
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Potent EGFR/PARP-1 inhibition by spirooxindole-triazole hybrids for targeted liver cancer therapy (2025)
RSC Advances, 15, 58-74,; OA
Nafie, Mohamed S.; Ali, M.; Alwehaibi, Moayad Abdullah; Alayyaf, Abdulmajeed Abdullah; Al-Muhanna, Muhanna K.; Almuqati, Naif S.; Alghamdi, Abdullah A.; Haukka, Matti; Tariq, Syeda Sumayya; Ul-Haq, Zaheer; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Purpose in life and accelerometer-measured physical activity among older adults (2025)
Psychology and Health, 40 (1), 126-140,; OA
Sutin, Angelina R.; Stephan, Yannick; Kekäläinen, Tiia; Luchetti, Martina; Terracciano, Antonio
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Adolescent Health, 76 (2), 254-264,; OA
Cosma, Alina; Martin, Gina; de Looze, Margreet E.; Walsh, Sophie D.; Paakkari, Leena; Bilz, Ludwig; Gobina, Inese; Page, Nicholas; Hulbert, Sabina; Inchley, Jo; et al.