Publications (82497)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Point out the mistakes : An HMM-based anomaly detection algorithm for sleep stage classification (2025)
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 99, 106805,
Wang, Ziyi; Liu, Hang; Cai, Yukai; Li, Hongjin; Yang, Chuanshuai; Zhang, Xinlei; Cong, Fengyu
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Does ownership matter? Comparing the contents of corporate and independently owned local newspapers (2025)
Journalism, OnlineFirst,; OA
Manninen, Ville J.E.; Haapanen, Lauri
E1 Popularised article, newspaper article
Viiksitimali viihtyy ainoastaan ruovikoissa (2025)
Keskisuomalainen, 25.1.2025, 25,
Helle, Heikki
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Scientific Reports, 15, 1999,; OA
Lankila, Hannamari; Kekäläinen, Tiia; Hietavala, Enni-Maria; Laakkonen, Eija K.
E1 Popularised article, newspaper article
Ruovikot houkuttelevat monenlaisia otuksia (2025)
Keskisuomalainen, 25.1.2025, 25,
Kytöviita, Minna-Maarit
B1 Non-refereed journal articles
Identifying adolescents with increased cardiometabolic risk : Simple, but challenging (2025)
Jornal de Pediatria, 101 (1), 1-3,; OA
Haapala, Eero, A.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
The health promoting sports coach : theoretical background and practical guidance (2025)
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 17, 17,; OA
Tézier, Benjamin; Barros, Kévin; Geidne, Susanna; Bardid, Farid; Grieco, Spartaco; Johnson, Stacey; Kokko, Sami; Lambe, Barry; Lefebvre, Arthur; Lane, Aoife; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Family journal, Online First,; OA
Kytölä, Jenna; Kosonen, Riikka; Aunola, Kaisa; Muotka, Joona; Sorkkila, Matilda
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Challenging the Nordic model? : The cultural policies of populist parties in Finland and Sweden (2025)
The International Journal of Cultural Policy, 31 (1), 16-35,
Jakonen, Olli; Renko, Vappu; Harding, Tobias
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Applied Economics Letters, Early online,
Kauhanen, Antti