Publications (82567)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
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A1 Journal article (refereed)
Architecture decisions in quantum software systems : An empirical study on stack exchange and GitHub (2025)
Information and Software Technology, 177, 107587,; OA
Aktar, Mst Shamima; Liang, Peng; Waseem, Muhammad; Tahir, Amjed; Ahmad, Aakash; Zhang, Beiqi; Li, Zengyang
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1324, 140908,
Altowyan, Mezna Saleh; Soliman, Saied M.; Abu-Youssef, Morsy A.M.; Haukka, Matti; Barakat, Assem; Yousri, Amal
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Development and Validation of the Best Start Foundational Movement Skill Assessment Tool (BS-FMSAT) (2025)
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, Early online,; OA
Sanctuary, Colin; Eather, Narelle; Lander, Natalie; Lyell, Andrew; Boyer, James; Lubans, David R.; Diallo, Thierno M. O.; Riley, Nicholas
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Sense of Community and Social Participation Underlying Active Aging Among Senior Housing Residents (2025)
Journal of Applied Gerontology, Early online,
Siltanen, Sini; Rantakokko, Merja; Lahti, Anna-Maria; Levonmaa, Helena; von Bonsdorff, Mikaela B.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Exploring music-based attachment to video games through affect expressions in written memories (2025)
Entertainment Computing, 52, 100883,; OA
Tuuri, Kai; Koskela, Oskari; Tissari, Heli; Vahlo, Jukka
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Early online,
Valiente, Pedro A.; Guerra, Yasel; Wolf, Maarten G.; Pascual, Isel; Rudiño-Piñera, Enrique; Florent, Isabelle; Pons, Tirso; Groenhof, Gerrit
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Fish and Fisheries, 26 (1), 171-192,; OA
Moesgaard Albertsen, Christoffer; Perälä, Tommi; Cardinale, Massimiliano; Winker, Henning; Trijoulet, Vanessa
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Memory, 33 (2), 259-277,; OA
Wu, Chenxiao; Zhang, Chenyuan; Li, Xueqiao; Ye, Chaoxiong; Astikainen, Piia
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Ecological Monographs, 95 (1), e1647,; OA
Vane, Kim; Cobain, Matthew R. D.; Larsen, Thomas
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Local time-stepping for discrete exterior calculus on spacetime mesh with refinements (2025)
Journal of Computational Physics, In Press, 113839,
Räty, Joona; Mönkölä, Sanna