Publications (82543)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Physiological Genomics, Early online,
Plaza-Florido, Abel; Anguita-Ruiz, Augusto; Esteban, Francisco J.; Aguilera, Concepción M.; Labayen, Idoia; Reitzner, Stefan Markus; Sundberg, Carl Johan; Radom-Aizik, Shlomit; Ortega, Francisco B.; Altmäe, Signe
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
The Training of Rhythm Skills and Executive Function : A Systematic Review (2025)
Music and Science, 8,; OA
Ahokas, J. Riikka; Saarikallio, Suvi; Welch, Graham; Goswami, Usha; Parviainen, Tiina
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Rapidity dependence of antideuteron coalescence in pp collisions at √ s=13 TeV with ALICE (2025)
Physics Letters B, 860, 139191,; OA
ALICE Collaboration
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Defining the form of the Earth with the help of pendulums in 1765–1815 (2025)
GEM, 16 (1), 7,; OA
Nyblom, Jukka
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Local second order regularity of solutions to elliptic Orlicz–Laplace equation (2025)
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 253, 113737,; OA
Karppinen, Arttu; Sarsa, Saara
B1 Non-refereed journal articles
Historialle omistettu elämä : haastattelussa kirjailija Kaari Utrio (2025)
Lähihistoria, 4 (1), 130-144,; OA
Niiranen, Anna
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
The relationship of digital transformation and corporate sustainability : Synergies and tensions (2025)
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 210, 123809,; OA
Ologeanu-Taddei, Roxana; Honigsberg, Sarah; Weritz, Pauline; Wache, Hendrik; Mittermeier, Ferdinand; Tana, Silviana; Dang, Duong; Hautala-Kankaanpää, Tuire; Pekkola, Samuli
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Physical Review C, 111, 014321,; OA
Lv, B. F.; Petrache, C. M.; Wang, Y. K.; Zhao, P. W.; Meng, J.; Li, J. G.; Astier, A.; Dupont, E.; Greenlees, P.; Grahn, T.; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Early Education and Development, 36 (2), 477-497,; OA
Muhonen, Heli; Sulkanen, Mimmu; Alasuutari, Maarit; Lerkkanen, Marja-Kristiina
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
From Centralisation to Decentralisation? Transition Visions of Circular Bioeconomy in Rural Finland (2025)
Rescaling Sustainability Transitions : Unfolding the Spatialities of Power Relations, Governance Arrangements, and Socio-Economic Systems, 119-145,; OA
Kuhmonen, Irene; Kuhmonen, Tuomas; Näyhä, Annukka