Publications (82466)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Fish and Fisheries, 26 (1), 171-192,; OA
Moesgaard Albertsen, Christoffer; Perälä, Tommi; Cardinale, Massimiliano; Winker, Henning; Trijoulet, Vanessa
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Spatiotemporal dynamics of abstract concept processing : An MEG study (2025)
Brain and Language, 260, 105505,; OA
Tian, Lili; Chen, Hongjun; Kujala, Jan; Parviainen, Tiina
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
JYU Dissertations, 881, ; OA
Säteri, Sanna
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Reduction of forest soil biota impacts tree performance but not greenhouse gas fluxes (2025)
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 200, 109643,; OA
Georgopoulos, Konstantinos; Bezemer, T. Martijn; Christiansen, Jesper Riis; Larsen, Klaus Steenberg; Moerman, Gina; Vermeulen, Roos; Anslan, Sten; Tedersoo, Leho; Gomes, Sofia IF.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Design and Tacit Aesthetics : Design as the Art of Objects-in-Use (2025)
Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, 48 (1), 13-22, ; OA
Bonsdorff, Pauline von
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Early Education and Development, 36 (1), 145-164,; OA
Lipponen, Sari; Eklund, Kenneth; Laakso, Marja-Leena; Koivula, Merja; Huttunen, Kerttu
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Global Change Biology, 31 (1), e70031,
Gomes, Sofia I. F.; Gundersen, Per; Bezemer, T. Martijn; Barsotti, Davide; D'Imperio, Ludovica; Georgopoulos, Konstantinos; Justesen, Mathias Just; Rheault, Karelle; Rosas, Yamina M.; Schmidt, Inger Kappel; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences, 292 (2040), 20242416,; OA
Abrego, Nerea; Saine, Sonja; Penttilä, Reijo; Furneaux, Brendan; Hytönen, Tuija; Miettinen, Otto; Monkhouse, Norman; Mäkipää, Raisa; Pennanen, Jorma; Zakharov, Evgeny V.; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 69 (1), 138-150,; OA
Sorkkila, Matilda; Alasuutari, Maarit; Saranko, Lotta; Aunola, Kaisa
A1 Journal article (refereed)
ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, 6 (1), 9,; OA
Shinde, Tejas; Budinski, Ljubomir; Niemimäki, Ossi; Lahtinen, Valtteri; Liebelt, Helena; Li, Rui