Publications (82570)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
RSC Advances, 15, 1941-1956,; OA
Aly, Ashraf A.; Abd, El-Naby Hisham A.; Ahmed, Essam Kh.; Gedamy, Sageda A.; Rissanen, Kari; Nieger, Martin; Brown, Alan B.; Shehat, Michael G.; Shaaban, Marwa M.; Atta, Amal
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Journal of Sport and Health Science, 14, 100986,; OA
Singh, Ben; Cadenas-Sanchez, Cristina; da Costa, Bruno G.G.; Castro-Piñero, José; Chaput, Jean-Philippe; Cuenca-García, Magdalena; Maher, Carol; Marín-Jiménez, Nuria; McGrath, Ryan; Molina-Garcí, Pablo; et al.
A4 Article in conference proceedings
Probing gluon saturation and nuclear structure in photon-nucleus collisions (2025)
DIS 2024 : 31st International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, POS Proceedings of Science, 469, 110 ,; OA
Mäntysaari, Heikki; Salazar, Farid; Schenke, Björn; Shen, Chun; Zhao, Wenbin
C1 Book
Trauma and Spirituality in Ethnic American Women's Novels : Connected by Invisible Fibers (2025)
Rodi-Risberg, Marinella
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
JYU Dissertations, 886, ; OA
Tadesse, Abraham
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Cancer Medicine, 14 (1), e70555,; OA
Wirta, Erkki‐Ville; Elomaa, Hanna; Mecklin, Jukka‐Pekka; Seppälä, Toni T.; Hyöty, Marja; Böhm, Jan; Ahtiainen, Maarit; Väyrynen, Juha P.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Physical Review Letters, 134 (5), 052503,
Lykiardopoulou, E. M.; Walls, C.; Bergmann, J.; Brodeur, M.; Brown, C.; Cardona, J.; Czihaly, A.; Dickel, T.; Duguet, T.; Ebran, J.-P.; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Universal differentiability sets in Laakso space (2025)
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 255, 113752,; OA
Eriksson-Bique, Sylvester; Pinamonti, Andrea; Speight, Gareth
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Hidden behind the text : A linguistic ethnographic study of stancetaking in news production (2025)
Language and Communication, 101, 15-27,; OA
Merminod, Gilles; Haapanen, Lauri
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Early online,
Valiente, Pedro A.; Guerra, Yasel; Wolf, Maarten G.; Pascual, Isel; Rudiño-Piñera, Enrique; Florent, Isabelle; Pons, Tirso; Groenhof, Gerrit