Lectures and presentations
Language matters in citizen science: Participatory hands-on workshop Nyelvi részvétel a civil tudományban — Műhelyfoglalkozás.
All experts: Bodó, Csanád; Szabó, Gergely
Activity details
Nature of event: Scientific conference
Name of event: Contemporary Challenges: Citizen Science in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Presentation type: Invited talk or keynote
Start date: 02/12/2024
End date: 03/12/2024
Year: 2024
It is a recent development in linguistics to advocate for the involvement of speakers in the research process. The reasons for this advocacy can be multilayered: some argue for decolonisation, empowerment, inclusion, or democratisation of research as well as public engagement in science. What they all have in common is looking at language as an important factor in both (re)creating and fighting social inequalities, not necessarily acknowledged by other linguists or scholars in other fields. In the first part of the hands-on workshop, the organisers will provide a brief introduction to the few linguistic projects in Hungarian contexts that embraced a citizen science or participatory agenda. As representatives of sociolinguistics, a discipline celebrating linguistic diversity and multilingualism, the organisers do not follow an English-only policy in their workshop. Therefore, in the second and longer part, they will divide into three sub-workshops in different languages and in translanguaging mode. Laihonen will lead a data session based on iMovies recorded and edited by Moldavian (North-East Romania) multilingual youth. The data is predominantly Hungarian (more precisely, in the Csángó mode of speaking), but some English translations will be provided. Bodó will introduce collaborative writing, a technique of two or more authors creating a text together. As his focus is on the joint creation and not necessarily on the text itself, participants will be invited to make contributions in any language they prefer. While working with language matters in the workshop, we hope that participants will experience that language matters in citizen science.
Follow-up groups: Applied language studies (Centre for Applied Language Studies SOLKI); Multiliteracies for social participation and in learning across the life span (University of Jyväskylä JYU) MultiLEAP; 2021-2026. Formerly RECLAS; School of Wellbeing (University of Jyväskylä JYU) JYU.Well
Profiling areas: School of Wellbeing (University of Jyväskylä JYU) JYU.Well; Multiliteracies for social participation and in learning across the life span (University of Jyväskylä JYU) MultiLEAP; 2021-2026. Formerly RECLAS
Main country visited: Hungary (HU)