Janne Pakarinen
Contact search available for JYU staff members. ORCID link: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8944-8757 X (formerly Twitter) handle: https://twitter.com/JJAPakarinen LinkedIn address: https://linkedin.com/in/janne-pakarinen-129ab33 ResearchGate address: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Janne-Pakarinen-2 ResearcherID: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/f-6695-2010 Scopus Author ID(s): https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6602719289 |
General description
Most of the known atomic nuclei are spherical or slightly quadrupole deformed. My research employs complementrary spectroscopic methods to study shapes and shape coexistence in exotic atomic nuclei. These experiments are typically performed at the Accelerator Laboratory of University of Jyväskylä, or at the ISOLDE radioactive ion-beam facility, CERN.
Active JYU affiliations
- Department of Physics, Senior Researcher
Previous, inactive or other affiliations
- University of Liverpool, Post-doctoral research associate, Other affiliation
- ISOLDE, The Radioactive Ion Beam facility, CERN, CERN fellow (senior), Other affiliation
- ISOLDE, The Radioactive Ion Beam facility, CERN, Corresponding associate, Other affiliation
- ISOLDE, The Radioactive Ion Beam facility, CERN, Scientific associate, Other affiliation
- University of Liverpool, Honorary association, Other affiliation
Research interests
Most of the known atomic nuclei are spherical or slightly quadrupole deformed. My research employs complementrary spectroscopic methods to study shapes and shape coexistence in exotic atomic nuclei. Results obtained allow the development of better nuclear models that describe atomic nuclei.
Fields of science
Personal keywords
Shape coexistence, in-beam spectroscopy, gamma-ray spectrometers, electron spectrometers, Coulomb excitation
Keywords (YSO)
Projects as Principal investigator
- Tutkijoiden Yö
- European Commission
- Kiihdytin hiukkasen
- Finnish National Agency for Education
- Kiihdytin hiukkasen
- Tieteen tiedotus ry
- European Researchers Night 2018 (consortium
- European Commission
- Structure of Intruder States in heavy Nuclei
- Research Council of Finland
- Tutkijoiden yö Jyväskylässä 2017
- Regional Council of Central Finland
- CHANGE Researchers Changing Society
- European Commission
- Muotojen rinnakkaiselo ja kollektiivis/2
- Research Council of Finland
- Muotojen rinnakkaiselo ja kollektiivisuus raskaissa ytimissä
- Research Council of Finland
Publications and other outputs
Author of research datasets
- JYFL-ACCLAB-JM14 Oblate-deformed proton emitter 149Lu (2023) ; Auranen, Kalle; et al.
- JYFL-ACCLAB-JM22: Towards understanding of isospin-breaking effects in isobaric multiplets: In-beam recoil-beta tagging study of 66Se and 66As (2024) Auranen, Kalle; et al.
- JYFL-ACCLAB-JM29 In-beam spectroscopy and recoil-beta tagging study of the Tz = -1 nucleus 70Kr (2024) Auranen, Kalle; et al.
- JYFL-ACCLAB-JM37: Isospin symmetry towards the proton dripline: Isobaric analogue states in the A=29 quartet (2024) Auranen, Kalle; et al.
- JYFL-ACCLAB-JM41: Identification of excited states in 78Zr (2024) Auranen, Kalle; et al.
- JYFL-ACCLAB-JR154 Prompt and delayed spectroscopy of neutron deficient trans-lead
nuclei 211, 213-Ac (2024) Briscoe, Andrew; et al. - JYFL-ACCLAB-JR158 Identification of parity-doublet bands in odd-Z 223Pa using recoil alpha-decay tagging with Jurogam3, RITU, and GREAT (2025) Auranen, Kalle; et al.
- JYFL-ACCLAB-JR160 Study of the B4/2 anomaly in neutron deficient Os isotopes (2024) ; Auranen, Kalle; et al.
- JYFL-ACCLAB-JR161 Lifetime measurements of low-lying states in 190-Pb (2024) Briscoe, Andrew; et al.
- JYFL-ACCLAB-M15 Decays of Isomeric States near the Proton Drip Line (2024) ; Briscoe, Andrew; et al.