Bonn Juego


Dr Bonn Juego is a political economist, Senior Lecturer in Development Studies at the University of Jyväskylä (JYU), and the current Chair of the Finnish Society for Development Research. He is the recipient of JYU's Good Teacher Award 2024 (Hyvä opettaja -palkinto 2024). 

Previously, he was:

Bonn has 15 years of theoretical-practical teaching and supervision experience in development theories, policies and strategies; project management; global political economy; history of economic thought; heterodox economics; global governance; and sustainability strategies from universities in Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Estonia:

Through competitive grants, he has held Guest Researcher and Visiting Fellow appointments at the:

Among his scholarly activities, he received a 2018 JYU Science Council grant for career development, and serves as:

Prior to joining the academia, Bonn worked for government institutions, a business school, civil society organizations and social movements based in the Philippines.


With an interdisciplinary background in the political, social and economic sciences, Bonn’s geographical area focus is on the Global South, particularly East and Southeast Asia, as well as in contemporary North-South relations. In recent years, his research work revolves around the theme of the ‘Crises in Capitalist Development’, which is manifested in the politico-economic concepts as well as the socio-ecological and technological phenomena that have emerged from his writings and publications. Notably,

The political-economic:

The socio-ecological:

The technological:

Bonn has an active interest in development economics, geopolitics, political philosophy, and science, technology and innovation policy. He is an alumnus of the

A reviewer for a number of reputable academic journals and other publishers such as:

he is the former Editor-in-Chief of The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies, and presently an Editorial Committee Member of Asia in Focus.

Moreover, for some years now, Bonn has been a regular participant and member of D-Econ (Diversifying and Decolonising Economics); IIPPE (International Initiative for the Promotion of Political Economy); Global University for Sustainability (South South Forum); WEA (World Economics Association); AHE (Association for Heterodox Economics); EuroSEAS (European Association for Southeast Asian Studies); NYCAS (New York Conference on Asian Studies – Association for Asian Studies); and AEPF (Asia-Europe People’s Forum).

The Relevance and Benefits of Ongoing Research

Bonn’s current research endeavour investigates the political economy of recent foreign policy shift from the old state-to-state aid relations to the new economic diplomacy focused on private sector development. Studying this emergent phenomenon on the private turn in Nordic countries’ development cooperation with different types of regime in Asia is important in terms of: [i] present knowledge of North-South development relations; [ii] feasible development strategies for both developed and developing countries; and [iii] the implications for developmental prospects and democratization processes of what used to be known as aid recipient ‘Third World’ countries.

In pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals, there are two elephants in the room of foreign policy: the strategic role assigned to the private sector and the ubiquity of politics. This study provides research-based knowledge about the practical mechanisms of Private Sector Development (PSD) and the political aspect necessary for the attainment of the target on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD). It addresses the question: How do donor governments and their supported enterprises strategize for their development investments (formerly known as aid) in partner countries with different political regime contexts? Its aim is to capture the realpolitik of Nordic government-business strategizing adapted to the challenging markets of particular Asian regimes. As such, it will also have critical relevance to all stakeholders concerned with ethics in development cooperation and the principle of policy coherence for sustainability.

Submitted Grant Applications Under Review (Prospective collaborators are welcome.)

  • The Politics of Development Cooperation thru the Private Sector: Assessing Policy Coherence for Sustainability in Finnish Government-Business Strategies Across Asian Regimes 

Involvement in Funded Research Projects


In terms of teaching, Bonn won the JYU Good Teacher Award 2024 (Hyvä opettaja -palkinto 2024) for being "an open-minded, enthusiastic, and diligent teacher ... (who) encourages students to challenge his thoughts and to learn something new every day." Before this, he was also a nominee for the same Good Teacher Award and the Pedagogy Developer Award, with recommendations from three Student Ambassadors, citing his problem-based learning pedagogy, empathy for students, principle of co-creating the study programme, and interactive course innovations such as “Students Meet Practitioners” discussion series, “Virtual Field Trips,” Q&T (Questions & Takeaways) Tweets,” and “Simulation Games.”

Bonn has taught in different capacities as lecturer, master’s thesis supervisor, group project supervisor, thesis opponent, examination censor, and teaching assistant at both the master’s and bachelor’s levels, as well as junior PhD-level mentoring and doctoral dissertation assessment, in the various subfields, issue areas, and geographical focus of the social sciences and humanities at:

  • Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
  • Aalborg University (Denmark)
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway)
  • University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
  • University of Helsinki (Finland).

He is a grantee of Erasmus+ international staff mobility, and has completed several courses such as university pedagogy, innovation studies, modern China’s foreign policy, critical discourse analysis, modern monetary theory, and advanced research methods.

Teaching Responsibilities, 2007-2024

  • DEVS3012: Political Economies of Development (JYU)
  • DEVS3016: Managing Development Projects (JYU)
  • CEMS2150: Corporate Strategies for Sustainable Business (JSBE)
  • CEMS2410: Human Rights, Business and Environment (JSBE)
  • CEMS2330: Introduction to Responsible Business (JSBE)
  • CEMS2140: Corporate Environmental Management - Project Work or Internship (JSBE)
  • CEMS1930: Master’s Thesis Research Tutorial (JSBE)
  • CEMS1940: Master’s Thesis (JSBE)
  • JSBY6210: Introduction to Master’s Programmes (JSBE)
  • JSBA3100: Doing Business in Finland, in Chile and in Peru (HSSS)
  • GPC-E313: Modern Money Theory and the Revival of Classical Political Economy (HY)
  • GPC-E315: Governance of the World Economy and Its Future (HY)
  • PVK-M204: Global Political Economy (HY)
  • GPC-E311: Historical Development of Economic Theories in Changing World-Economic Contexts (HY)
  • DEVS3015: Current Trends in Development Policy (JYU)
  • DEVS3014: Contemporary Debates About Development (JYU)
  • DEVS700: International Internship (JYU)
  • DEVS3011: Orientation to Graduate Studies (JYU)
  • DEVM5001: Contemporary Topics in Development Studies (JYU)
  • YFIP1001: The State of the World - Introduction to Analyzing Social Phenomena (JYU)
  • DEVS308: Development Policy and Management (JYU)
  • DEVS222: Globalization - Perspectives from Development, Culture, and Civil Society (JYU)
  • DEVS208: Classics of Development (JYU)
  • Development Theory and Challenges to the Third World (AAU)
  • International Political Economy (AAU)
  • Political Change (AAU)
  • Supervision of master’s theses (~30 completed)
  • Member of a PhD candidate’s supervisory board (JYU)

Assessment and Evaluation Committee Assignments

  • Chair, Assessment Board, Doctoral Dissertation and Defense in Development Studies (JYU)
  • External Member, Assessment Board of a Doctoral Dissertation and Defense in Political Science (JYU)
  • Member, Evaluation Committee for Docentship in JYU Development Studies (JYU)


Bonn’s outreach activities include giving public lectures and presentations in government, academic, and civil society settings; providing expert opinions and development consulting; publishing Op-Eds and commentaries; and having been interviewed, cited and contacted by the international media in print, radio, tv, and websites such as outlets and platforms in:

  • Australia: The Interpreter
  • China/Hong Kong: Asia Times
  • Denmark: Politiken, Information, Weekendavisen, Ekstra Bladet, Danmarks Radio P1 Orientering, DR2 Udland, Nordyske, and RTV kilde
  • Finland: Yle Uutiset, Yle Areena Audio, Kansan Uutiset, Kansan Uutiset Online,, Lännen Media, Ny Tid, Demokraatti / Arbetarbladet, Forssan Lehti, KeskipohjanmaaSatakunnan Kansa, and STT Info
  • France: RFI - Radio France Internationale, RFI Español - Las Voces Del Mundo, and Oxfam France - Communiqués de presse
  • Germany: Die Zeit
  • Indonesia: Kompas, Tribun Jateng, and CXO Media
  • India: The Wire in India
  • Philippines: Rappler
  • Sweden: Amnesty Press
  • Switzerland: DMZ - Die Mittelländische Zeitung
  • UK: The Guardian, openDemocracy, and The World Financial Review
  • Vietnam: Báo Thế giới & Việt Nam and Báo Mới.

Advising and Consulting

Invited Lectures and Public Presentations (Recent)

Press Clippings and Media Interviews (Recent)

Grants Received (including for mobility, travels, scholarships)

Major Conference, Public Lecture, and Seminar Series Organized

Aktiiviset JYU-affiliaatiot

Aiemmat, ei-aktiiviset tai muut työsuhteet


My new research endeavour examines Nordic government-business strategizing in their development investments in different Asian political regime contexts. I have longstanding interests in and academic contributions to issues around global political economy, varieties of capitalism, just sustainability, geopolitics, democracy, social movements, autocratization, and populism.



Omat asiasanat

political economy; development studies; heterodox economics; corporate strategy; populism; democracy; just sustainability; neoliberalism; Philippines; Southeast Asia; Malaysia; Global South; Nordic-Asia relations

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 21:10