Johanna Silvennoinen

General description

 Researcher, lecturer and supervisor (master and PhD students) on cognitive and affective processes in HCI, predictability of experience design, decision making, psychology of aesthetics, and philospohy of design.

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Research interests

My research focus is on cognitive and affective processes in humans interacting with technology. The underlying dynamics of experience formation (e.g., cognitive information processing fluency, perceived visual usability, aesthetic appraisal and obtaining information from the different sensory modalities) can be utilised to enhance predictability of experience design, and thus, are of benefit to researchers and designers of human-technology interaction. In addition, my research focuses on cognitive and affective process in multiobjective decision making with interactive methods.

Fields of science

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Personal keywords

Cognitive Science, HCI, User Experience, Experience Design, Psychology of Aesthetics, Philosophy of Design, Decision Making, Method development

Projects as Team Member

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:10