Maija Nissinen

General description

I am a professor of organic and nanochemistry. My research interests include nanomaterial chemistry, especially gel materials and structural studies of gels. My background is in structural supramolecular chemistry, host-guest interactions and self-assembly research.

Currently, I teach subject-level organic chemistry and advanced-level material chemistry. I am also a study counsellor in the Masterä's Degree Programme in Nanoscience.

I am also the vice dean responsible for education in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science.

Active JYU affiliations

Research interests

Supramolecular and nanochemistry research concentrates on weak intermolecular interactions and their significance on the structure and properties of materials. We synthesise new compounds, which may be utilised, for example, in transportation and binding of biologically and environmentally important compounds and modelling and signalling purposes.

Fields of science

Follow-up groups

Personal keywords

geelit, heikot vuorovaikutukset, itsejärjestäytyminen, materiaalikemia, supramolekyylikemia, rakennekemia, synteesikemia,

Projects as Team Member

Publications and other outputs

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:10