Mari Herttalampi

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General description

I work as a senior lecturer in the department of psychology, my area of expertise is well-being in organizations. I have background education as a psycholgist, MA and PhD in psychology, title of docent in work and organizational psychology, and teacher qualifications.

Active JYU affiliations

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Research interests

My research focuses on well-being at work, especially from the viewpoints of values and ethics. I think it is especially important to study different structures (of work, organizations, society), as they have an important impact on individual well-being. Intensification of work and acceleration in societies, workplace climate and culture, and practical structures that guide everyday work can include significant risks for well-being, but also support meaningful and sustainable work and careers.

Fields of science

Follow-up groups

Personal keywords

values; ethical strain; ethical culture; well-being

Projects as Principal investigator

Projects as Team Member

Publications and other outputs

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:10