Tuire Koponen


I am an associate professor at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. My main research interests relate to development of mathematical skills with particular focus on mathematical learning difficulties, comorbid difficulties and intervention research. I co-lead a research project focusing on children’s early development of mathematical skills (EarlyMath - Pathways to math difficulties: A longitudinal study from birth to school-age; European Research Council; 2021-2026). I am also a senior member in a Finnish Center of Excellence aiming at revealing the developmental links between learning problems and psychosocial wellbeing (Learning Dynamics and Intervention Research (InterLearn; Academy of Finland; 2022-2029). Furthermore, I also lead the research team in a consortium project aiming at developing a game to enhance children’s basic math skills in elementary school (EPM- Getting better in Math by playing; Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation; 2021-2024).

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 21:12