Aino-Kaisa Koistinen

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My research demonstrates, how cultural artefacts and meaning-making processes shape social reality, and how they are, in turn, shaped by the social and material conditions of their production and reception. Moreover, my work interrogates the role of art and the media in human interaction with the environment. My research thus offers insight into the social and ecological relevance of cultural artefacts such as texts and images.



Omat asiasanat

sukupuolentutkimus; ekokritiikki; televisio; queer-tutkimus; populaarikulttuuri; hirviötutkimus; kulttuurinen eläintutkimus; feministinen posthumanismi; mediakulttuuri; rikosfiktio; tieteisfiktio; spekulatiivinen fiktio; feministinen pedagogiikkaa


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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 21:13