The population dynamics and ecological role of freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera): tools for allocation and assessment of conservation measures
Main funder
Funds granted by main funder (€)
- 10 000,00
Project timetable
Project start date: 01/08/2022
Project end date: 31/12/2022
In order to improve the habitat of the endangered freshwater pearl mussel (FPM), concrete restoration
measures will be carried out in the coming years. Also, dying populations will be revived by the stocking of FPM
juveniles. To support these measures, this Phd project will apply cutting edge modelling methods to study the
capacity of FPM populations to recover after the habitats have been improved, and the effect of stocking of
FPM juveniles on the recovery. A further goal is to study the effects of FPM on the river ecosystem by means of
both modelling and a field experiment. This project produces ecological knowledge that can be used to optimize
conservation measures and to evaluate the role of the FPM in the protection of river biodiversity.
measures will be carried out in the coming years. Also, dying populations will be revived by the stocking of FPM
juveniles. To support these measures, this Phd project will apply cutting edge modelling methods to study the
capacity of FPM populations to recover after the habitats have been improved, and the effect of stocking of
FPM juveniles on the recovery. A further goal is to study the effects of FPM on the river ecosystem by means of
both modelling and a field experiment. This project produces ecological knowledge that can be used to optimize
conservation measures and to evaluate the role of the FPM in the protection of river biodiversity.