Dual careers in Kainuu - Higher education in sports and technology for athletes and coaches (LIIKU)

Main funder

Funder's project numberS30548

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 152 990,00

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date01/06/2023

Project end date31/08/2026


The term “dual career” refers to the combination of elite sports and studies (or another work
career). In Finland, an athlete’s dual career starts in middle school and continues into a
career transition. In higher education, degree students often balance studies with training
and competing - this may be reflected in breaks from studies. (Finnish Olympic Committee.)
Importantly, coaches often also have dual careers. Overall, dual careers provide student athletes
and coaches with opportunities to learn versatile working skills that support their studies and
later careers.
Kainuu, and especially Vuokatti, is a unique environment for studying sports sciences and
coaching. At the Vuokatti campus, students can mix science with practice in the areas of
fitness/wellness and elite sports as well as technology. Vuokatti is home to Vuokatti-Ruka
Sports Academy; an Olympic Coaching Center; physical education courses offered by Kainuu
Vocational College and Vuokatti Sport; and coaching education offered by sports organizations.
Through cooperation on the Vuokatti campus, it is possible to study in the field of sports/physical
activity from the secondary/vocational level through bachelor and master’s studies, and even to
the doctoral level. This cooperation supports the educational needs expressed by coaches in the
COACH SURVEY 2019 (Finnish Institute for Elite Sports KIHU).
The present project will be implemented by JYU-Vuokatti and KAMK. The project supports
action line 4 of the European Union's Renewing and Competent Finland 2021-2027 – Finland's
Structural Funds Program, Employing, Competent and Inclusive Finland (ESR+) as well as
the Kainuu 2040 program and the regional program 2022–2025. The Kainuu 2040 program
highlights: renewal of regional education and expertise; strengthening of research, development,
and innovation activities; development of attraction and retention power; and increase of jobs.
The regional program's strategic goals include: recruiting students; enabling employment after
graduation; improving internship and thesis opportunities; increasing the education level of
Kainuu residents; and a high-quality and versatile educational path from elementary school to
university education. (Regional Council of Kainuu.)
This project benefits the city of Kajaani and the municipality of Sotkamo: the new educational
pathway being developed will encourage young people to stay (or come to) study in the area.
In addition, the project will benefit athletes who want to stay (or come to) train and train in top
conditions, but also need university studies alongside.
The project includes 5 work packages (WP):
WP1 (JYU+KAMK): Planning and developing the bachelor’s level sports instructor and master’s
degree in biology of physical activity (officially: Liikunnanohjaaja AMK + LitM) educational path
(identification of previously acquired skills, planning and implementation of the student selection
process, evaluation of the educational path)
WP2 (KAMK): Creation of a continuous learning study package (50 ECTS math, physics,
technology studies for the current project's athlete students, but also for bachelor’s graduates
who are not yet eligible to apply for the JYU-Vuokatti master’s degree program).
WP3 (JYU): Sports technology internships in Vuokatti (create procedures for internships on the
Vuokatti campus and investigate other possible internship opportunities that can be completed in
WP4 (JYU+ KAMK): Further development of the bachelor’s level engineer/business degree and
master’s degree in biology of physical activity (officially: insinööri/tradenomi AMK) education
path (new, smaller intake, piloting guidance/sparring of student athletes across educational
disciplines at KAMK).
WPS5 (JYU+KAMK): Communicating about dual careers in higher education in Kainuu and
providing examples of University of Applied Science and University coo

Principal Investigator

Other persons related to this project (JYU)

Contact person (yes/no)Yes

Primary responsible unit

Follow-up groups

Last updated on 2024-18-12 at 15:29