New sport and wellbeing technologies and services (LIIKUTPA)

Main funder

Funder's project numberA72451

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 133 000,00

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date01/01/2017

Project end date31/12/2018


The Centre for Measurement and Information Systems CEMIS is a contract-based joint centre of the Universities of Oulu and Jyväskylä, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. and CSC - IT Centre for Science Ltd. Development project plans for the years 2017-2018 have been prepared, and CEMIS is applying funding for four parallel development projects that are aiming to develop new technological solutions for bio-economy and measurement technology companies located in Kainuu (BIOMIT), reliable measurements to monitor environmental impacts caused by mining and industrial processes (KAIMIT), international technology business in Kainuu (KANTELI), and new product or service solutions for sport, wellbeing or health sector (LIIKUTPA).

The LIIKUTPA project aims to produce measurement and test solutions which allow citizens’ voluntary self-monitoring of wellbeing and health, development of public health care towards distant or self-diagnostics, and development of Finnish top sport and sport technology business. The project is carried out in co-operation with all five CEMIS organizations as a joint project in which University of Jyväskylä is the main executor (coordinator). The project is planned to last two years.

The work packages are, 1: Sport technology (intelligent ski sport equipment) and advanced test environments, 2: Non-invasive sensors and measurements of wellbeing: smart home care, self-monitoring of wellbeing, and solutions for sport, 3: Serious games and virtual environments: real video as a part of virtual reality in athlete testing or training solutions, and managing of big data, 4: Business development (connection to KANTELI project): company and project co-operation, WP5: Joint project coordination.

The project results are: 2 spin-off companies (sport or wellness technology oriented), 2 technologies commercialized in companies, 1 new service product, 8 new co-operation companies, 1 promising biosensor research topic for the future, 4 international pre-reviewed scientific articles (2 from nutrition and 2 from stress measurements), 1 doctoral thesis of biosensor measurements, 2 conference papers (sport and virtual reality technology), achieved project funding 2017-2018: international 1,2 M€, national 1,5 M€, company funding 0,5 M€.

The project budget is 1 431 000 €: 1 001 700 € is applied from the Regional Council of Kainuu (European regional development fund), 429 300 € consists of own, company or municipality funding. The project supports the Finland’s Structural fund program’s “Sustainable growth and jobs 2014-2020” specific objectives by producing and using the latest information and knowledge. The project also supports the strategic goals of the Kainuu Regional Plan.

Principal Investigator

Primary responsible unit

Follow-up groups

Profiling areaPhysical activity through life span (University of Jyväskylä JYU) PACTS

Last updated on 2023-22-03 at 14:01