Yliopisto-opinnot osaksi kotoutumisen polkuja / Korkeakoulutettujen ja korkeakoulukelpoisten maahanmuuttajien yliopisto-opintojen mallin luominen

Main funder

Funder's project numberOKM/67/529/2017

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 400 000,00

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date01/08/2017

Project end date31/07/2019


This project focuses on developing a new educational model which integrates university-level language and subject studies targeted for immigrants with previous higher education studies or qualifications for higher education studies. University of Jyväskylä has already operated as a pilot university in a project focusing on supporting immigrants in higher education in Finland (SIMHE). This project has focused on developing streamlined paths for immigrants from individual guidance to suitable higher education studies. The educational model developed in the current project will enhance the development of needs and objectives based language education offered for immigrants with prior higher education studies or qualifications for higher education studies. The model will also improve these immigrant groups’ participation into relevant language education. In the project the language studies are integrated in the recognized subject competence which improves the inclusion and engagement of the immigrants into relevant local communities. In carrying out this project the university will improve the immigrants’ integration and multilingual competence as well as develop the university pedagogy. The project is carried out by the Language Centre, the Open University and the University Services (SIMHE-services) of the University of Jyväskylä. The developed education model can be applied to other universities as well and it can also be applied to independent integration training.

Principal Investigator

Other persons related to this project (JYU)

Primary responsible unit

Follow-up groups

Last updated on 2023-24-08 at 20:50