A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
First observation of excited states in 197At : the onset of deformation in neutron-deficient astatine nuclei (1999)

Smith, M.B., Chapman, R., Cocks, J.F.C., Dorvaux, O., Helariutta, K., Jones, P.M., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Kankaanpää, H., Kettunen, H., Kuusiniemi, P., Le Coz, Y., Leino, M., Middleton, D.J., Muikku, M., Nieminen, P., Rahkila, P., Savelius, A., & Spohr, K.-M. (1999). First observation of excited states in 197At : the onset of deformation in neutron-deficient astatine nuclei. European Physical Journal A, 5, 43-47. https://doi.org/10.1007/s100500050254

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Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatSmith, M.B.; Chapman, R.; Cocks, J.F.C.; Dorvaux, O.; Helariutta, K.; Jones, P.M.; Julin, R.; Juutinen, S.; Kankaanpää, H.; Kettunen, H.; et al.

Lehti tai sarjaEuropean Physical Journal A





Artikkelin sivunumerot43-47

KustantajaSpringer Science and Business Media LLC


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Excited states in the Z= 85 nucleus 197At have been identified for the first time using the recoil-decay-tagging (RDT) technique. The excitation energy of these states is found to be consistent with the systematics of neutron-deficient astatine nuclei and with theoretical calculations indicating that the nucleus may be deformed in its ground state.

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-11-03 klo 14:31