A4 Article in conference proceedings
The Effects of General and Mobile Online Shopping Skilfulness and Multichannel Self-Efficacy on Consumer Showrooming Behaviour  (2022)

Makkonen, M., Nyrhinen, J., Frank, L., & Karjaluoto, H. (2022). The Effects of General and Mobile Online Shopping Skilfulness and Multichannel Self-Efficacy on Consumer Showrooming Behaviour . In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, A. Sheombar, G. Ongena, & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 35th Bled eConference : Digital Restructuring and Human (Re)action (pp. 479-494). University of Maribor. https://doi.org/10.18690/um.fov.4.2022.30

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsMakkonen, Markus; Nyrhinen, Jussi; Frank, Lauri; Karjaluoto, Heikki

Parent publication35th Bled eConference : Digital Restructuring and Human (Re)action

Parent publication editorsPucihar, Andreja; Kljajić Borštnar, Mirjana; Bons, Roger; Sheombar, Anand; Ongena, Guido; Vidmar, Doroteja


  • Bled eConference

Place and date of conferenceBled, Slovenia26.-29.6.2022


Publication year2022

Pages range479-494

Number of pages in the book824

PublisherUniversity of Maribor

Publication countrySlovenia

Publication languageEnglish


Persistent website addresshttps://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/view/691/927/2341-1

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/83314


Although showrooming behaviour is a characteristic aspect of modern omnichannel retailing, our understanding of its antecedents remains limited. In this study, we aim to address this gap in prior research by examining how showrooming behaviour is affected by three different kinds of perceived consumer capabilities: general online shopping skilfulness, mobile online shopping skilfulness, and multichannel self-efficacy. The examination is done by utilising data from 1,024 Finnish consumers, which was collected with an online survey in 2021 and is analysed with structural equation modelling (SEM). In summary, we find mobile online shopping skilfulness to have a strong positive effect on showrooming behaviour, the total effect of general online shopping skilfulness to be statistically not significant, and the effect of multichannel self-efficacy to be negative. In addition, we find several interesting gender and age differences. We conclude the paper with a detailed discussion of the findings from both theoretical and practical perspectives.

Keywordspurchasingconsumer behaviourmultichannelmobile commerceelectronic commerceshopsself-confidenceagegenderdigital competence

Free keywordsgeneral online shopping skilfulness; mobile online shopping skilfulness; multichannel self-efficacy; showrooming behaviour; gender and age difference

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2022

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-15-06 at 00:25