A1 Journal article (refereed)
Aloittavien opettajaopiskelijoiden näkemys opettajasta ja koulusta kestävään elämäntapaan kasvattajana (2022)

Hämäläinen, T., Hiljanen, M., & Rautiainen, M. (2022). Aloittavien opettajaopiskelijoiden näkemys opettajasta ja koulusta kestävään elämäntapaan kasvattajana. Ammattikasvatuksen aikakauskirja, 24(4), 64-80. https://journal.fi/akakk/article/view/125922

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsHämäläinen, Tommi; Hiljanen, Mikko; Rautiainen, Matti

Journal or seriesAmmattikasvatuksen aikakauskirja



Publication year2022

Publication date10/01/2023


Issue number4

Pages range64-80

PublisherOpetus-, kasvatus- ja koulutusalojen säätiö

Publication countryFinland

Publication languageFinnish

Persistent website addresshttps://journal.fi/akakk/article/view/125922

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessDelayed open access channel

Additional informationArtikkeli avautuu journal.fi-palvelussa 1 kk ilmestymisen jälkeen.


Education plays a key role in fostering a sustainable lifestyle. Especially teacher education has a crucial role in what kind of lifestyle future generations learn. ln this article we examine how first year students from primary school teacher program and subject teacher program see the role of school and teachers as educators for a sustainable lifestyle, and what they expect from teacher education in relation to a sustainable lifestyle in the beginning of their studies. The data was collected in the autumn 2O21 before their start of studies in teacher education. The material was analyzed by using phenomenographic content analysis. According to our results students see the role of the teacher as an educator for a sustainable lifestyle very important, but there are differences between the two student groups. Primary school student teachers considered the role of teacher to be more important than subject teacher students, who did not necessarily see a link between the role of teacher and sustainable lifestyle education. Expectations for teacher education also divided students. Primary school student teachers expected education for a sustainable lifestyle to be an essential part of teacher education, while many of those studying to become subject teachers did not think it was part of their studies.

Keywordsclass teacherssubject teachersteacher trainingsustainable developmentsustainable livingstudentsexpectationsattitudes

Free keywordskestävyyskasvatus

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

Reporting Year2022

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-30-04 at 19:27