O1 Abstract
The Reading Nest -project : A Finnish perspective (2023)

Aerila, J.-A., & Kauppinen, M. (2023). The Reading Nest -project : A Finnish perspective. In 5th Baltic Sea Conference on Literacy : Motivating for Literacy. National Library of Latvia. https://5bscl2023.lnb.lv/programme/speakers/#Juli_Anna_Aerila

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsAerila, Juli-Anna; Kauppinen, Merja

Parent publication5th Baltic Sea Conference on Literacy : Motivating for Literacy

Place and date of conferenceRiga, Latvia23.-24.7.2023

Publication year2023

PublisherNational Library of Latvia

Place of PublicationRiga

Publication countryLatvia

Publication languageEnglish

Persistent website addresshttps://5bscl2023.lnb.lv/programme/speakers/#Juli_Anna_Aerila

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel


In this presentation we illustrate the results of the interventions on Reading Nest -project in Finland 2021-2023. Finland participated to the Nordplus-funded project with Estonia and Latvia. During the project, Finnish primary school and early childhood education teachers together with pre-service teachers and university researchers tested, further developed and refined learning environments that would enhance engagement in reading. The interventions concentrated on social, cultural, emotional and physical reading environments, like peer reading, co-operation between school classes, integrating reading materials with arts-based learning, and promoting family reading activities. The reading pedagogy utilized in the study is based on StoRe (= Stories make Readers) approach, which is a research-based approach for reading for pleasure (Aerila & Kauppinen 2019, 2021). In StoRe-approach reading pedagogy lies on the 3 cornerstones (The ASM-principle): the amount of reading, the suitability of reading materials, and meaningful activities based on reading experiences. In the presentation, the results of the interventions of 12 Finnish teachers are analyzed via the framework of learning environments (Brooks, 2010; Kauppinen & Aerila 2023). The preliminary results show that most teachers in the project 1) started by assessing and developing the physical reading environments to support the social reading environments and positive emotions towards reading, and 2) developed the reading practices to more co-operational, holistic and child-activating direction. Further, it seems that the network of teachers, researchers and pre-service teachers created a dynamic and dialogical community for the project.

Keywordsreadingchildren (age groups)learning environmentteacherspreschool educationcomprehensive schoolpedagogyintervention

Free keywordsReading Nest -project

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingWon't be reported

Last updated on 2024-03-07 at 00:06