D1 Article in a trade journal
Verkkopainotteinen fysioterapian opiskelu innostaa ja haastaa oppimaan (2023)
Online-oriented physiotherapy studies inspire and challenge students to learn
Franicevic, M., & Vuoskoski, P. (2023). Verkkopainotteinen fysioterapian opiskelu innostaa ja haastaa oppimaan. Fysioterapia, 70(4), 48-53.
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Franicevic, Marko; Vuoskoski, Pirjo
Journal or series: Fysioterapia
ISSN: 0789-5232
Publication year: 2023
Volume: 70
Issue number: 4
Pages range: 48-53
Publisher: Suomen fysioterapeutit
Publication country: Finland
Publication language: Finnish
Publication open access: Not open
Publication channel open access:
Additional information: Marko Franicevicin Jyväskylän yliopiston fysioterapian pro gradu -tutkielma ”Niin siis nimenomaan, semmoinen tavallaan rohkeus kokeilla ja katsoa että no mitäs tässä tapahtuu” : aloittavien opiskelijoiden käsityksiä oppimisesta verkkopainotteisessa fysioterapeuttikoulutuksessa – fenomenografinen tutkimus, on luettavissa Jyväskylän yliopiston JYX-julkaisuarkistossa.
In line with the increase in online studies, an online-oriented physiotherapy training programme has been launched. No previous research has been conducted on this topic. Using a qualitative phenomenographic interview study, this Master’s thesis examined students’ perceptions of learning via an online-oriented degree programme. The results revealed that physiotherapy students’ perceptions were divided into three hierarchically expanding categories: 1) e-learning as acquisition of knowledge and skills, 2) e-learning as an individual adaptive process and 3) e-learning as an enabler. The results highlighted physiotherapy students’ perceptions of the importance of independent study and their concerns about learning practical physiotherapist skills. The student perspective can be useful for improving online-oriented physiotherapy education.
Keywords: physical therapists; education and training; learning environment; online study; learning; online learning; conceptions of learning; educational methods; pedagogical planning; studies in an institution of higher education
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2023