A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Kaksikielinen varhaiskasvatus toisen kielen oppimisen ympäristönä (2023)
Bilingual early childhood education as an environment for second language learning

Mård-Miettinen, K., Hansell, K., & Kvist, M. (2023). Kaksikielinen varhaiskasvatus toisen kielen oppimisen ympäristönä. In A. Pitkänen-Huhta, K. Mård-Miettinen, & T. Nikula (Eds.), Kielikoulutus mukana muutoksessa (pp. 141-162). Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys ry. AFinLA-teema, 16. https://doi.org/10.30660/afinla.126171

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsMård-Miettinen, Karita; Hansell, Katri; Kvist, Maria

Parent publicationKielikoulutus mukana muutoksessa

Parent publication editorsPitkänen-Huhta, Anne; Mård-Miettinen, Karita; Nikula, Tarja


Journal or seriesAFinLA-teema


Publication year2023

Publication date28/11/2023

Number in series16

Pages range141-162

Number of pages in the book400

PublisherSuomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys ry

Place of PublicationJyväskylä

Publication countryFinland

Publication languageFinnish


Persistent website addresshttps://journal.fi/afinla/article/view/126171

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/92189


This article addresses bilingual early childhood education and care (ECEC) as an environment for second language learning. Bilingual education is planned teaching of educational content in two (or more) languages in a ECEC unit or school. One of the languages is usually a new language (second language, target language) to the participating children. In Finland, bilingual education can be either large-scale (over 25% in the target language) or small-scale (under 25% in the target language). This article first discusses the concept of bilingual ECEC and how it is stipulated in the National ECEC Core Curriculum in Finland. It then reflects the characteristics of ECEC and bilingual ECEC, in particular, by addressing issues of operational culture, learning environment and language practices.

Keywordsearly childhood education and carelanguage educationlanguage teachingbilingualismsecond languageuse of languagelearning environmentoperational culture

Free keywordskielelliset käytänteet

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2023

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-03-07 at 01:05