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Exploring the accuracy of musical tempo memory : The effects of reproduction method, reference tempo, and musical expertise (2024)

Vigl, J., Koehler, F., & Henning, H. (2024). Exploring the accuracy of musical tempo memory : The effects of reproduction method, reference tempo, and musical expertise. Memory and Cognition, Early online. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13421-024-01543-6

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Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatVigl, Julia; Koehler, Friederike; Henning, Heike

Lehti tai sarjaMemory and Cognition





VolyymiEarly online

KustantajaSpringer Nature

JulkaisumaaYhdysvallat (USA)

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Linkki tutkimusaineistoonhttps://osf.io/kghn9/?view_only=c7b06e91a84a4fe0a991ee7e10a1c83d

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Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/94456


Although people commonly remember and recreate the tempo of musical pieces with high accuracy, comparatively less is known regarding sources of potential variation in musical tempo memory. This study therefore aimed to investigate musical tempo memory accuracy and the effects of reference tempo, reproduction method, musical expertise, and their interaction. A sample of 403 individuals with varying levels of musical training participated in the experimental online study, including nonmusicians, amateur musicians, and professional musicians. Participants were tasked with reproducing the tempos of 19 popular pop/rock songs using two methods: tempo tapping and adjusting the tempo of the audio file based on the previously tapped tempo. Results from multilevel models revealed overall high accuracy in tempo memory, with tempo adjusting yielding greater accuracy compared with tempo tapping. Higher musical expertise was associated with increased accuracy in tempo production. In addition, we observed a quadratic effect of reference tempo, with the greatest accuracy in tempo reproduction around 120 bpm. Gender, age, familiarity with the pieces, and accompaniment strategies were also associated with greater accuracy. These findings provide insights into the factors influencing musical tempo memory and have implications for understanding the cognitive processes involved in tempo perception and reproduction.

YSO-asiasanattempomusiikkimuisti (kognitio)muistaminenmuusikotammattilaisetharrastajat

Vapaat asiasanatmusical tempo memory; musical expertise; tempo perception; tempo reproduction; tapping

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-28-04 klo 07:32