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This is Not a Calling; I’m selling My Expertise : Navigating Through Late-Career in Nursing (2024)

Koponen, S., Von Bonsdorff, M., & Aaltio, I. (2024). This is Not a Calling; I’m selling My Expertise : Navigating Through Late-Career in Nursing. In S. Taneja (Ed.), Annual Meeting Proceedings : Chicago 2024 (2024). Academy of Management. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2024.19847abstract

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Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatKoponen, Sirpa; Von Bonsdorff, Monika; Aaltio, Iiris

EmojulkaisuAnnual Meeting Proceedings : Chicago 2024

Emojulkaisun toimittajatTaneja, Sonia


  • Academy of Management Annual Meeting

Konferenssin paikka ja aikaChicago, IL, USA9.-13.8.2024

Lehti tai sarjaAcademy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings






Lehden numero1

KustantajaAcademy of Management

JulkaisumaaYhdysvallat (USA)

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We explored nurses' intentions to continue working as they approach retirement. Specifically, we were interested in micro and meso-level factors that underlie the intentions of continuing to work or transitioning to retirement. We applied the life course perspective and career construction theory as a lens for understanding the role of lived lives and the gendered nature of the nursing profession as aging nurses navigate and negotiate their late careers. We conducted a Q-methodological study in 2010 among 16 registered nurses in the federation of municipalities of a Finnish Care District. Respondents were employed as registered nurses aged 45 years and older. Nurses were asked to rank-order 60 statements (Q-set) regarding the factors influencing their desire to continue working in nursing. Individual Q-sorts were analysed using PQMethod 2.11. Three distinct views were extracted in which different aspects were considered important: 1) nurses who placed the highest value on the nature of care work, 2) nurses who prioritized a supportive workplace environment, and 3) nurses who valued fair and transparent leadership above all else. Interestingly, we found a need to reconcile the professional calling, which manifested in an intrinsic desire towards the work and to help others, and an instrumental role of the work. We discuss our contributions to the retirement, late-career, and career construction literature and practical implications. Keywords: late career, nursing, retirement, gender, Q-methodology

YSO-asiasanatikääntyvät työntekijättyössä jatkamineneläkkeelle siirtyminensukupuolihoitoalasairaanhoitajat

Vapaat asiasanatlate career; nursing; retirement; gender; Q-methodology

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