C2 Edited work
Teaching and Learning in Ecosocial Work : Concepts, Methods and Practice (2024)
Forde, C., Ranta-Tyrkkö, S., Lievens, P., Rambaree, K., & Belchior-Rocha, H. (Eds.). (2024). Teaching and Learning in Ecosocial Work : Concepts, Methods and Practice. Springer . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58708-5
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Forde, Catherine; Ranta-Tyrkkö, Satu; Lievens, Pieter; Rambaree, Komalsingh; Belchior-Rocha, Helena
Parent publication editors: Forde Catherine; Ranta-Tyrkkö Satu; Lievens Pieter; Rambaree Komalsingh; Belchior-Rocha Helena
ISBN: 978-3-031-58707-8
eISBN: 978-3-031-58708-5
Publication year: 2024
Publication date: 11/09/2024
Number of pages in the book: 312
Publisher: Springer
Place of Publication: Cham
Publication country: Switzerland
Publication language: English
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58708-5
Publication open access: Not open
Publication channel open access:
Ecosocial work is an evolving framework to learn about and practice social work from the premise that humans are part of the web of life on Earth. While this understanding should guide human activities, current planetary-scale anthropogenic socio-environmental problems such as the climate crisis, ocean acidification, biodiversity and species loss, prove the opposite. Social work and allied professions stem from the same anthropocentric world view and need to reconfigure their relationship to other-than-humans and the planetary limits of existence. This requires in-depth renewal of social work and related professions and an ecosocial/ecological paradigm change in which education is pivotal.
Keywords: social work; ecological social work; sustainable development; teaching and instruction; learning
Free keywords: ecological social work; teaching and learning in ecosocial work; ecosocial paradigm; sustainability/green transition; social work and sustainability; ecosocial work; environmental social work; social work education
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2024
Preliminary JUFO rating: 2
This publication includes articles with JYU authors:
- Rainerma, E. (2024). Case Study 1 : Ecosocial Experiments in Finnish Adult Social Work. In C. Forde, S. Ranta-Tyrkkö, P. Lievens, K. Rambaree, & H. Belchior-Rocha (Eds.), Teaching and Learning in Ecosocial Work : Concepts, Methods and Practice (pp. 57-61). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58708-5_4
- Ranta-Tyrkkö, S. (2024). How to Approach the Materiality of the Ecosocial Transition in Social Work Education. In C. Forde, S. Ranta-Tyrkkö, P. Lievens, K. Rambaree, & H. Belchior-Rocha (Eds.), Teaching and Learning in Ecosocial Work : Concepts, Methods and Practice (pp. 37-56). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58708-5_3
- Ranta-Tyrkkö, S., Forde, C., & Lievens, P. (2024). Introduction : Addressing the Role of the Social Professions in the Sustainability Transition. In C. Forde, S. Ranta-Tyrkkö, P. Lievens, K. Rambaree, & H. Belchior-Rocha (Eds.), Teaching and Learning in Ecosocial Work : Concepts, Methods and Practice (pp. 1-14). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58708-5_1
- Stamm, I., & Dörfler, L. (2024). Linking the Human Rights and Ecosocial Paradigms in Social Work Education: An Example from Practice. In C. Forde, S. Ranta-Tyrkkö, P. Lievens, K. Rambaree, & H. Belchior-Rocha (Eds.), Teaching and Learning in Ecosocial Work : Concepts, Methods and Practice (pp. 133-143). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58708-5_9
- Anand, J. C., K. R., A., Jha, M. K., Bipin, J., & Ranta-Tyrkkö, S. (2024). Rethinking Transnational Social Work Pedagogy for Climate Change, Migration, and Crisis Preparedness. In C. Forde, S. Ranta-Tyrkkö, P. Lievens, K. Rambaree, & H. Belchior-Rocha (Eds.), Teaching and Learning in Ecosocial Work : Concepts, Methods and Practice (pp. 205-222). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58708-5_14