A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
”Tämä ulkopoliittinen linja saattoi olla ratkaiseva niitti” : Historiallinen perusteleminen lukiolaisten teksteissä (2019)

Veijola, A., & Rautiainen, M. (2019). ”Tämä ulkopoliittinen linja saattoi olla ratkaiseva niitti” : Historiallinen perusteleminen lukiolaisten teksteissä. In M. Kallio, H. Krzywacki, & S. Poulter (Eds.), Arvot ja arviointi (pp. 165-185). Helsingin yliopisto. Ainedidaktisia tutkimuksia, 16. http://hdl.handle.net/10138/308813

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsVeijola, Anna; Rautiainen, Matti

Parent publicationArvot ja arviointi

Parent publication editorsKallio, Manne; Krzywacki, Heidi; Poulter, Saila



Journal or seriesAinedidaktisia tutkimuksia



Publication year2019

Number in series16

Pages range165-185

Number of pages in the book251

PublisherHelsingin yliopisto

Place of PublicationHelsinki

Publication countryFinland

Publication languageFinnish

Persistent website addresshttp://hdl.handle.net/10138/308813

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/67609


In this article, we explored the historical reasoning of general upper secondary school students. This was done by using texts students produced in a history course based on inquiry-based learning. This course took place during a week in which students were to deal with an event from Midsummer’s Eve in 1957. Then, shots were fired at the summer residence of President Urho Kekkonen of Finland. Shots were meant to to intimidate or murder the president. The identity of the shooter and the motive have remained unknown. Twenty-four students participated in the course. They worked in seven groups, analysed primary and secondary sources and formed their interpretations of a historical event. The data (students’ texts) were analysed by using the framework of historical reasoning developed by Carla van Boxtel and Jannet van Drie. The results of the study pointed to development areas teachers should pay attention to when evaluating the development of historical skills during learning processes.

Keywordsinvestigative learningliterary skillsinferencehistorygeneral upper secondary school students

Free keywordshistorical reasoning; inquiry-based history teaching; historical thinking skills

Contributing organizations

Related projects

Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2019

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-11-05 at 18:26