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Ideological, Institutional and Affective Practices of Interpersonal Violence (2021)

Husso, M., Karkulehto, S., Saresma, T., Eilola, J., Siltala, H., & Laitila, A. (2021). Ideological, Institutional and Affective Practices of Interpersonal Violence. In M. Husso, S. Karkulehto, T. Saresma, A. Laitila, J. Eilola, & H. Siltala (Eds.), Violence, Gender and Affect : Interpersonal, Institutional and Ideological Practices (pp. 3-26). Palgrave Macmillan. Palgrave Studies in Victims and Victimology. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56930-3_1

JYU-tekijät tai -toimittajat

Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatHusso, Marita; Karkulehto, Sanna; Saresma, Tuija; Eilola, Jari; Siltala, Heli; Laitila, Aarno

EmojulkaisuViolence, Gender and Affect : Interpersonal, Institutional and Ideological Practices

Emojulkaisun toimittajatHusso, Marita; Karkulehto, Sanna; Saresma, Tuija; Laitila, Aarno; Eilola, Jari; Siltala, Heli



Lehti tai sarjaPalgrave Studies in Victims and Victimology


Artikkelin sivunumerot3-26

Kirjan kokonaissivumäärä292

KustantajaPalgrave Macmillan



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Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/75036


The first chapter presents the book’s point of departure as well as its central concepts and structure. It outlines the current understandings of and theoretical approaches to the intersections of violence, gender and affect. The starting point is that gendered violence and violating practices are embedded in social structures of power and in inequalities, institutions, regimes and the symbolic order. They are manifested in human interaction as well as in cultural discourses and representations. The chapter also gives an overview of the abundant research and various perspectives involved in analysing the intersections of violence, gender and affect as well as the continuities and interconnections between different forms of violence, violations and violating practices. As such, it justifies the necessity of studying ideological, institutional and affective practices of violence among individuals, communities and societies and the consequences of different forms of violence and violating practices for those who have been hurt.

YSO-asiasanatväkivaltasukupuolittuminenrakenteellinen väkivaltavaltarakenteetideologiat

Vapaat asiasanatinterpersonal violence; gendered violence; violation; violating practices; ideological practices; institutional practices; affective practices; continuities of violence

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-22-04 klo 13:19