A4 Article in conference proceedings
From Face-to-Face to Online UDeL Camps : Supporting Staff at Higher Education Institutions in Developing Universal Design for eLearning (UDeL) (2021)

Eftring, H., Olaussen, E. J., Petrie, H., Saarela, M., Ladonlahti, T., & Torkildsby, A. B. (2021). From Face-to-Face to Online UDeL Camps : Supporting Staff at Higher Education Institutions in Developing Universal Design for eLearning (UDeL). In I. Verma (Ed.), Universal Design 2021 : From Special to Mainstream Solutions (pp. 144-160). IOS Press. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 282. https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI210392

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsEftring, Håkan; Olaussen, Elinor Jeanette; Petrie, Helen; Saarela, Merja; Ladonlahti, Tarja; Torkildsby, Anne Britt

Parent publicationUniversal Design 2021 : From Special to Mainstream Solutions

Parent publication editorsVerma, Ira


  • International Conference on Universal Design

Place and date of conferenceonline9.-11.6.2021



Journal or seriesStudies in Health Technology and Informatics



Publication year2021

Publication date04/06/2021

Number in series282

Pages range144-160

Number of pages in the book441

PublisherIOS Press

Publication countryNetherlands

Publication languageEnglish


Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/76362


The TINEL Project is running a series of camps for staff at higher education institution to support them in developing inclusive eLearning. The first camp was conducted face-to-face, but the coronavirus pandemic meant that the second camp was conducted online. This created a case study in inclusive eLearning in itself and allowed us to experience and reflect on the challenges and opportunities of inclusive online teaching and learning. This paper presents the structure and content of the two camps, our reflections on moving from a face-to-face to an online situation and our elaboration how the UDL principles apply to eLearning to create Universal Design for eLearning (UDeL). We found that because we already had a syllabus for the camp prepared, transferring it to an online camp did not present a great number of challenges. Some aspects of the online situation were actually advantageous (e.g. presenting all materials digitally and making them fully accessible) while others were difficult to overcome (e.g. engaging all participants in online activities and discussions). We provide a set of recommendations of how to implement the three principles of UDL in eLearning situations.

Keywordspedagogy of higher educationonline pedagogyonline learningequality (fundamental rights)accessibilitytraining programmesErasmus Programme

Free keywordsUniversal Design for eLearning (UDeL); Universal Design for Learning (UDL); Inclusive education; Higher Education Institutions; ERASMUS Plus

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Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2021

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-22-04 at 22:10