Thesis data: Teaching, learning and assessing CT through Scratch in primary schools

Fagerlund, Janne; Salmela, Sini. (2023). Thesis data: Teaching, learning and assessing CT through Scratch in primary schools. V. 1.1.2021. University of Jyväskylä.

JYU authors
  • Contact person (yes/no)Yes

All authorsFagerlund, Janne; Salmela, Sini

FundersCentral Finland Regional FundEmil Aaltonen FoundationEllen and Artturi Nyyssönen Foundation



Availability and identifiers

AvailabilityNot accessible

Publication year2023

URN identifier in original repository

DOI identifier in original repository

URN identifier in JYX

DOI identifier in JYX

Description of the dataset

DescriptionThe empirical data comprised 4th grade students' Scratch programming work in primary school classrooms. The students participated in a 12-lesson programming course, during which they programmed mainly in pairs on the same computer, designing creative programming projects together. The study collected two sets of data: the students' Scratch programming projects and video recordings of four pairs of students working on the last programming projects of the session during two lessons.

The data were destroyed in accordance with the research plan and the data protection notice two years after the end of the study.


Free keywordsprogramming; computational thinking; Scratch

Keywords (YSO)programminglearning

Fields of science516 Educational sciences113 Computer and information sciences

Follow-up groupsEducation (Department of Education KASLA) (Department of Teacher Education OKL) (Teacher Training School NORSSI) KAS

Do you deal with data concerning special categories of personal data in your research?No

Publications and other outputs related to dataset

Last updated on 2024-04-04 at 14:22