Expert views on home/family -related factors that can support or hinder children's critical reading skill development – A Delphi survey study dataset

Torppa, Minna; Paakkari, Leena; Ruotsalainen, Jenni; Salminen, Jenni; Manu, Mari; Lahti, Henri; Kulmala, Markus; Raittila, Tiia-Liina. (2023). Expert views on home/family -related factors that can support or hinder children's critical reading skill development – A Delphi survey study dataset. V. 31.5.2021. University of Jyväskylä.

JYU authors
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All authorsTorppa, Minna; Paakkari, Leena; Ruotsalainen, Jenni; Salminen, Jenni; Manu, Mari; Lahti, Henri; Kulmala, Markus; Raittila, Tiia-Liina

FundersResearch Council of Finland


Availability and identifiers

AvailabilityContact owner

Publication year2023

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DOI identifier in JYX

Description of the dataset

DescriptionData was collected using Delphi technique with three rounds:

The 1st round:The first round included two open-ended questionnaires in which experts were asked to list (a) family factors that support critical reading skills development and (b) family factors that may hinder it.

The 2nd round: Based on the results of the first round, a structured questionnaire was created for the second round. Using the online questionnaire, the experts were asked to evaluate the importance of each item using a 7-point Likert scale. The scale for the supporting aspects run from 1 = not at all important to 7 = very important. The scale for the hindering aspects run from 1 = very hindering to 7 = not at all hindering.

The 3rd round: In the third round, the experts were asked to rank the ten most important supporting family factors and hindering family factors regarding critical reading development at home.

In the dataset we have responses from 32 experts from different fields: the experts for this study were university teachers and researchers from the fields of media education, educational science, psychology, Finnish language, early childhood education, information research, game education, pre- and primary education, sociology, special education, educational sociology, Finnish as a second language and multiliteracy. Teachers of early childhood education, primary- and secondary education and high school. Furthermore, other proven experts from the fields of media education, film education, library services, children’s programs, family work, literacy education, assessment and word art. Professionals of the social and health care such as child psychiatrists, maternity clinic, and youth workers.

The data includes responses to the round 1 questions (text file) and responses to the rounds 2-3 as a numerical dataset.


Free keywordsCritical reading, readig development, reading comprehension, home literacy environment, children and adolescents

Keywords (YSO)readingreading comprehensioncritical thinkingchildren (family members)family backgroundinformal carersDelphi method

Fields of science515 Psychology516 Educational sciences319 Other medical sciences

Follow-up groupsKasvatuspsykologia (Department of Teacher Education OKL)Health Promotion and Health Education (Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences LTK, SPORT) TEREarly Childhood Education (Department of Education KASLA) (Department of Teacher Education OKL) VKT

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Last updated on 2024-04-04 at 14:22