Esitelmät ja esitykset
Human capital and capabilities in language policy: using language to help people, or using people to help language?

Aktiviteettiin liittyvät JYU-asiantuntijat

On esittäjäKyllä

Kaikki asiantuntijatSayers, Dave

Aktiviteetin tiedot


Tapahtuman luonneMuu tieteellinen tapahtuma

Tapahtuman nimiHuman capital, languages, and new literacies: Theories, policies, and impacts Fifth biannual interdisciplinary symposium of the RESEARCH GROUP “ECONOMICS, POLICY ANALYSIS, AND LANGUAGE” – REAL

EsitystyyppiMuu julkinen esitys





This talk explores a fundamental but little discussed divergence within contemporary language policy, and contributes a new typology to bring clarity and coherence to the field.

On the one hand there are policies that aim exclusively to boost human capital by seeking out linguistic interventions that give people greater autonomy over their own lives, raising individuals’ life chances and ‘capabilities’. Ultimately this form of language policy is not strictly interested in language as such, only insofar as it delivers other human freedoms.

On the other hand there are policies that position language as an independently valuable entity, in need of protection and worthy of prioritisation whether or not this increases human capital. Ultimately the balance here is reversed: the focus is on language itself, not human freedoms.

Between these two extremes lies the complicated and diverse reality of much, if not most contemporary language policy: with a fascinating breadth of ideologies attached to both language and human capital.

But these extremes, and the spectrum of realities in between, are seldom clearly discussed. Indeed, minority language policy is often assumed to be inherently and unarguably emancipatory and freedom-enhancing. I argue that this assumption weakens our capacity to understand language policy and its link to human capital. I explore a range of case studies illustrating points between those two extremes, and I build towards a typology of ideologies to clearly identify the relative weighting of these end goals. The purpose is to give a simple gauge to identify these diverging goals within any given language policy, to add structure and coherence to our field of research.

SeurantakohteetHyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisö (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) JYU.WellResurssiviisausyhteisö (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) JYU.WisdomOpettajien koulutuksen tutkimus (opetus, oppiminen, opettajuus, oppimispolut, koulutus) (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) JYU.Edu; Aiemmin JYU.Ope

ProfiloitumisalueetKäyttäytymisen muutos, hyvinvointi ja terveys elämänkulussa (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) BC-Well

YSO-asiasanatkielelliset oikeudetkielelliset vähemmistötkielipolitiikkakyvykkyys

Main country visitedEspanja (ES)


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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-03-06 klo 15:55