615 History and Archaeology
Parent area(s)
- Intelligence Estimates of the British Joint Intelligence Committee on Cold War Finland, 1948–1956
- Hämäläinen, Tommi
- Department of History and Ethnology
- Emil Aaltonen Foundation
- Intelligence Estimates of the British Joint Intelligence Committee on Cold War Finland, 1948–1956
- Hämäläinen, Tommi
- Department of History and Ethnology
- Maanpuolustuksen kannatussäätiö
- Lehtimiehet Oy, arjen politiikka ja median sukupuolittuneisuus Suomessa 1950-luvulta 1980-luvulle
- Yoken, Hannah
- Department of History and Ethnology
- Emil Aaltonen Foundation
- Music, Revolution and Political Concepts in the Soviet Union, 1917-1939
- Parkkinen, Jari
- Department of History and Ethnology
- Ella ja Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation
- Säädellyt sävyt: väriaineet, värjärit ja välittäjät yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen kuvaajina, 1400-1850
- Uotila, Merja
- Department of History and Ethnology
- Kone Foundation
- Intertwining science and politics:
Foreign scholars of Finland and their Finnish collaborators, ca. 1870-1920- Pekkarinen, Juho
- Department of History and Ethnology
- Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation
- Dialogues with the past: Transforming political concepts as part of revolutionary discourse in the Soviet music politics 1917-1930s
- Parkkinen, Jari
- Department of Language and Communication Studies
- Valtiopäivätoiminnan 150. merkkivuoden juhlarahasto (Cultura Foundation sr)
- Forskning om Isa Asps liv och produktion
Runoilija Isa Aspin (1853–1872) elämäkerta- Kotilainen, Sofia
- Centre for Applied Language Studies
- Svenska Kulturfonden
- Americans and the Politics of Nature: Mechanisms of Politicization of Natural Phenomena in the United States
- Arffman, Atte
- Department of History and Ethnology
- Finnish Cultural Foundation
- My Countryside. Intergenerationality, Place and Gender.
- Vehkalahti, Kaisa
- Department of History and Ethnology
- Kone Foundation