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Centre for Multilingual Academic Communication (Language Centre until 31.5.2019)
Publications and other outputs
- Cultivating Criticality : Notions of ‘critical’ applied to teaching and learning about intercultural communication in a higher education setting (2025) Kokkonen, Lotta; et al.; A3; 978-1-003-51394-0
- Multilingual Practices in Higher Education for Enhancing Critical Interculturality (2025) Kokkonen, Lotta; et al.; A3; 978-1-003-51394-0
- Driving and embracing change : learning and teaching languages and communication in higher education (2024) Károly, Adrienn; et al.; C2; OA; 978-952-86-0238-5
- Expanding the conceptualisation of writing : a paradigm shift in teaching written communication at a Finnish university (2024) Jokinen, Elina; et al.; A3; OA; 978-952-86-0238-5
- Exploring university students’ goals for the development of multilingual and intercultural communication competence (2024) Brauer, Hanna; A3; OA; 978-952-86-0238-5
- First-year university students' perceptions of themselves as writers of academic texts (2024) Riikonen, Jonna; et al.; A3; OA; 978-952-86-0238-5
- Framework for multilingual and intercultural communication competence : bringing forward a pedagogical perspective and assessment for learning (2024) Kokkonen, Lotta; et al.; A3; OA; 978-952-86-0238-5
- Highly cited educational technology journal articles : a descriptive and critical analysis (2024) Mertala, Pekka; et al.; A1; OA
- I Don’t Have a Plan B : Changing Family Relationships in Forced Migration (2024) Kokkonen, Lotta; et al.; A3; OA; 978-3-031-51131-8
- Introduction (2024) Károly, Adrienn; et al.; A3; OA; 978-952-86-0238-5
- Korona opetti sekä opettajia että opiskelijoita : hyvinvointi ja yhteenkuuluvuus ovat oppimisen avaimia (2024) Korkala, Salme; E1; OA
- Learner beliefs of Japanese exchange students at a Finnish university (2024) Kelly, Riitta; et al.; A3; OA; 978-952-86-0238-5
- Lieventävät liitepartikkelit opettajan kysymyksissä ja dialogisessa vuorovaikutuksessa yläkoulun fysiikan oppitunneilla (2024) Lehesvuori, Sami; et al.; A1; OA
- Luokanopettajaopiskelijat kielellisiä havaintojaan selittämässä (2024) Hankala, Mari; et al.; A3; OA
- Managers’ sociocognitive conflicts in collaborative learning (2024) Laajala, Markku; et al.; A1; OA
- Mapping the main streams and foci of competence-based education research : A review with direct citation network analysis and topic modelling with latent semantic analysis (2024) Mannonen, Joonas; et al.; O1; OA; 978-952-86-0263-7
- Multilingual competences, academic expertise and higher education language policies : Rethinking language education for disciplinary multilingualism (2024) Saarinen, Taina; et al.; B2; OA; 978-87-91621-63-5
- Peer feedback in teacher teams : teachers' experiences and possibilities for development (2024) Ahonen, Karoliina; et al.; A3; OA; 978-952-86-0238-5
- Saavutettavuuden ja yhdenvertaisuuden edistäminen sosiaalityön koulutuksessa : toimenpiteet maahanmuuttaneiden tavoittamisen, pääsyn ja opintojen aikaisen tuen muotojen kehittämiseksi (2024) Virtanen, Aija; D4; OA; 978-952-86-0431-0
- Student perceptions of teaching presence in an online academic reading module : an action research study (2024) Orszag, Aaron; A3; OA; 978-952-86-0238-5
Home organisation of research activity
- Ahonen, Karoliina
- Alanne, Anne
- Assaf, Iris
- Behm, Petra
- Bergroth-Koskinen, Ulla-Maija
- Carolan, Fergal
- Collier, Margaret
- Gerlander, Maija
- Haapoja, Markus
- Hartikainen, Sella
- Hopiavuori, Sofia
- Hurme, Jessica
- Hälvä, Peppi
- Hämäläinen, Heli
- Hämäläinen, Outi
- Hämäläinen, Pasi
- Ichinose, Akiko
- Jarvis, Christopher
- Jauhojärvi-Koskelo, Camilla
- Jokinen, Elina