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Department of Health Sciences (merged to SPORT 1.1.2017)
Publications and other outputs
- A century of trends in adult human height (2016) NCD Risk Factor Collaboration; A2; OA
- A Comparison of Physical Activity Levels in Childcare Contexts among Finnish and Dutch 3-Year-Olds (2016) Soini, Anne; et al.; A1; OA
- Adipocytes as a Link Between Gut Microbiota-Derived Flagellin and Hepatocyte Fat Accumulation (2016) Munukka, Eveliina; et al.; A1; OA
- Age-related variation in mobility independence among wheelchair users with spinal cord injury : a cross-sectional study (2016) Hinrichs, Timo; et al.; A1
- A healthy Nordic diet and physical performance in old age : findings from the longitudinal Helsinki Birth Cohort Study (2016) Perälä, Mia-Maria; et al.; A1
- Aikuisiän myönteisen persoonallisuuden kehityksen yhteydet psykologiseen ja sosiaaliseen toimintakykyyn (2016) Kokko, Katja; et al.; A3
- Aktiivisena vanheneminen – ei pelkästään liikuntaa (2016) Rantanen, Taina; E1; OA
- A New Agility Test for Adults: Its Test–Retest Reliability and Minimal Detectable Change in Untrained Women and Men Aged 28–55 (2016) Manderoos, Sirpa A.; et al.; A1
- Anisometropia of ocular refractive and biometric measures among 66- to 79-year-old female twins (2016) Pärssinen, Olavi; et al.; A1
- Association between education and future leisure-time physical inactivity : a study of Finnish twins over a 35-year follow-up (2016) Piirtola, Maarit; et al.; A1; OA
- Association between osteocalcin and cognitive performance in healthy older adults (2016) Bradburn, Steven; et al.; A1; OA
- Associations Between Reasons to Go Outdoors and Objectively-Measured Walking Activity in Various Life-Space Areas Among Older People (2016) Tsai, Li-Tang; et al.; A1
- Associations of fat mass and fat-free mass with physical fitness in 4-year-old children: Results from the MINISTOP trial (2016) Henriksson, Pontus; et al.; A1; OA
- Associations of reading posture, gaze angle and reading distance with myopia and myopic progression (2016) Pärssinen, Olavi; et al.; A1
- Association study of MMP8 gene in osteoarthritis (2016) Näkki, Annu; et al.; A1
- A systematic concept analysis of mental health promotion (2016) Tamminen, Nina; et al.; A1
- Body composition and molecular reflections of obesity-related cardio-metabolic disorders : a cross-sectional and longitudinal study in women (2016) Wiklund, Petri; G5; OA
- Branched-Chain Amino Acid Levels Are Related with Surrogates of Disturbed Lipid Metabolism among Older Men (2016) Kujala, Urho; et al.; A1; OA
- Cardiovascular health in former elite male athletes (2016) Johansson, J. K.; et al.; A1
- Changes from 1986 to 2006 in reasons for liking leisure-time physical activity among adolescents (2016) Wold, B.; et al.; A1; OA
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