Ward van Zoonen

General description

I study questions at the intersection of organizational behavior and technology, specifically on how individuals interact with technologies in organizational settings and how such interactions affect individual and organizational outcomes. 

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Research interests

I study questions at the intersection of organizational behavior and technology, specifically on how individuals interact with technologies in organizational settings and how such interactions affect individual and organizational outcomes. In my research and teaching, I specifically pay attention to the datafication of work and workers and the ways in which visibility through data is managed by organizations and employees. Furthermore, I act as associate editor for European Management Journal handling submission in the domain of organizational behavior. Currently, I am the academic director of the profiling area Emergent Work in the Digital Era ( EWIDE ), an interdisciplinary research initiative to study questions around technology, work, and well-being. 

Research group :
Communication and Collaboration on Digital Platforms (CoCoDigi) http://cocodigiresearch.com

Research Projects:
Datafication of media work (DataMedia) - Funded by Helsingin Sanomain Foundation (2023 - 2024)
Data Representations And Workplace Surveillance (DataDoubles) - Academy of Finland Fellowship (2023 - 2027)

Fields of science

Follow-up groups

Projects as Principal investigator

Publications and other outputs

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Last updated on 2024-30-05 at 14:33