Takumi Yada

General description

Takumi Yada is a postdoctral researcher in Finnish Institute for Educational Research. He is also appointed as a guest associate professor at Hyogo University of Teacher Education Japan, where is one of the most renowned universities for training educational leaders, such as principals and superintendents. He is a country coordinator of International Successful School Principal Project (ISSPP). He has published papers in the high impact journals in the field: Educational Managament Administration and Leadership, Schoool Effectiveness and School Improvement, and Teaching and Teacher Education.

Active JYU affiliations

Research interests

Takumi Yada's research interests lie in the realms of educational leadership, focusing on shared leadership, prosociality, teacher efficacy, teacher collaboration, and the digital transformation of learning. Utilizing both quantitative analyses, such as multi-level and multi-group structural equation modeling (SEM), and qualitative methods, including content analysis, he aims to uncover the intricate dynamics within educational settings and contribute to the development of effective leadership practices.

Fields of science

Personal keywords

school leadership; teacher efficacy; teacher collaboration; digital education

Projects as Team Member

Publications and other outputs

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Last updated on 2024-28-05 at 10:38