Teea Kortetmäki

General description

I'm a social scientist and philosopher specialized in sustainability sciences and food system studies. I work as an assistant (tenure) professor in sustainability transitions in University of Jyväskylä.

My ongoing research themes:

  • just transition and climate policy
  • sustainable food systems and food system transitions
  • environmental ethics and sustainability philosophy
  • planetary well-being

Active JYU affiliations

Previous, inactive or other affiliations

Research interests

I'm a social scientist and philosopher specialized in sustainability sciences and food system studies. I work as an assistant (tenure) professor in sustainability transitions in University of Jyväskylä.

My ongoing research themes:

just transition and climate policy
sustainable food systems and food system transitions
environmental ethics and sustainability philosophy
planetary well-being

Fields of science

Follow-up groups

Projects as Principal investigator

Projects as Team Member

Publications and other outputs

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:10